wow, trish nailed it right on the head. and i will most defiently agree with everything she has said. and i am 29, work full time, and have a family. and lemme tell you, i have never been a part of such an awesome group. they are extremely down to earth, VERY family oriented, and just flat out the most awesome drama free group you will ever find. they work to make things avaliable to everyone, and do things on both sides of town. take this weekends dinner meetup at johnny rockets in glendale, a perfect example. i have found that this is one of the best local car clubs in exisitance. and more then worth the 25 bucks a year. and i get a mailed newsletter every month. and trust me, i read it cover to cover. this is an awesome group. and don't just take my word, show up to a meet and talk to a few people.