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Thread: Benefits of joining Copperstate Mustang Club?

  1. #41
    Senior Member JoeT's Avatar
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    N. Phoenix - Az. USA
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    I think everyone should just quit the Copperstate club. Your a bunch of really uninteresting people that never do anything or go anywhere.

    The monies collected from members are used by someone we never see to support an extravagent lifestyle and pays the mortgage on a large mountain top home. CROOKS I TELL YA!

    Im kidding of course! Trish!

    Copperstates cool. I Have noticed though you arent saying anything since you decided to start this OH NO.....

    Come on man lifes to short to be angry. Live a little. Have fun! If you dont want to become a member of CMC, they really dont care one way or another.
    Theres lots of clubs and lots of choices, go where your comfortable. Either way feel free to come to the Mustang events, I mean after all, isnt it about the car not the people?

    I will admit I sort of felt the way you do once. But you know what the problem was? I wasnt becoming involved and felt like the outsider. Now I go to most of the events and have found people I enjoy talking to and hanging out with.

    If you dont come to the events regularly and meet people you'll always feel like the odd man out. The members also dont get to know who you are if you dont come around often. So it does make for an odd ball out feel.

    So if your waiting for the marching band to announce your arrival this will probably be your one and only chance. Yahoo for CObrafan! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!

    I love the smileys!
    They could have there own televisions show.
    Last edited by JoeT; 05-17-08 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #42
    Senior Member
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    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH only you would try to make ME mad again sheesh Wait till I see you next time mister your in big trouble lol lol

  3. #43
    Super Moderator 4Jenna's Avatar
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    3 days and still no reply from original poster, that's what I have been waiting for.

    The beni's of Copperstate are obvious in their time and dedication they put forth in everything they do. They stay active, are very organized, reach out to the community, and do the very best they can imop....and then some!

    On top of all that I think most club's would get all ticked off at a post like this and reply with some blah blah reply....not Copperstate they replied as professional as can be.

    Once again I am impressed by the entire Copperstate crew, you guys are a class act and I am lucky to know all of you!!

    JENNABEARS Foundation

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