View Poll Results: Meeting Location

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  • Berge

    20 66.67%
  • Church

    10 33.33%
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Thread: Monthly Meeting Location/VOTE.......

  1. #1
    67 'Stang Lover

    Monthly Meeting Location/VOTE.......

    I read the article in the Newsletter this month and it concerned our location for the Monthly meetings. I just wanted to start this thread to see if we could get some input from other Member's concerning that.
    I am all for it but not because it is on the East side of the Valley, more like because of the neighborhood that it is in currently. I know of atleast a dozen Members that don't go to the Monthly Meeting because of the bad area the Church is surrounded by. I am sure there are other Members that feel the same way but don't voice their opinion for whatever reason.
    For those of you that don't know the Monthly Meeting is held at the Mount of St. Olives Church on 35th St. and Thomas 10 times out of the year. The other 2 times it is the Pancake Breakfast and the Christmas dinner. There has been some talk about changing it to Berge Ford (our Sponsor) and they would provide an Executive meeting room for free. Currently we get charged a $1,000/per year for the church location.
    If we changed it to Berge Ford not only would we save some money we would be in a nicer location as well as around a lot of Ford's. It could be kind of like a mini show every month. I am sure Berge would like that because of the publicity and they have been more than generous to us as a Club as well. Believe me, I bought both of my cars there and the Fleet sales dept. is awesome, '07 Mustang & Fusion, as well as saving me $1,000's.
    Atleast it is right off of the Freeway for easy access. I know it would be hard for the west side Member's but maybe carpooling would be an option for some folks. How many west side Members attend the Meetings every month?
    I talked to our President yesterday about it and he said that he hasn't received hardly any feedback on this issue at all. I know there are other Member's that have the same concerns as I do. I think we all need to voice our opinion as it affects all of us at some point or another.
    Sorry for the long thread but I just wanted to explain all of the issues. Thanks in advance for your input.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    The church location is good for us westsiders. I volunteered last month to watch the parking lot, if someone would do this each month, then I am sure we would have no problems.

    Sure moving to Berge would save a $1000 a year, and be a cool place to hold the meetings, but I would probably never attend one, as it is just too far away.

    So as for my vote, I say keep it at the church, or find another central location, as for moving it to Berge, I have to vote no.

  3. #3
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by Rev'n Kevin View Post
    The church location is good for us westsiders. I volunteered last month to watch the parking lot, if someone would do this each month, then I am sure we would have no problems.

    Sure moving to Berge would save a $1000 a year, and be a cool place to hold the meetings, but I would probably never attend one, as it is just too far away.

    So as for my vote, I say keep it at the church, or find another central location, as for moving it to Berge, I have to vote no.
    Cool, thanks for the vote and honesty. I am going to keep track of the votes and will let Dave know of the results. One thing though, you said if it was moved to Berge Ford you wouldn't go as it is too far of a drive. I am sure there are people that feel the same way that live in the East Valley as well as some of them that live in Queen Creek and Maricopa now that never go either, to the Church location. It works both ways. We need to talk about this at the Monthly Meetings and get more info from people. Thanks again for the response.

  4. #4
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Ya know... its always puzzled me why people think 35th street and Thomas is such a bad neighborhood. For almost 8 years I worked at the corner of 44th street and Van Buren. My GF owned a house at 32nd street and Oak (she still does!). I've left my cars parked outside my old work for days at a time (was much cheaper than parking at the airport!). And I'd done more than my share of pulling overnighters. Yes its quite the, er, amusing neighborhood but not terribly dangerous!

    I you want a really amusing neighborhood try Central and Baseline!. Or better still my old employers had a location at Park and Silverlake in south Tucson. Now those are places where some might feel more comfortable packing heat after dark!!

    Personally I vote to keep the meeting in East/Central Phoenix or maybe even Tempe.
    Last edited by Martimus; 07-02-08 at 08:56 AM.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member ttocs's Avatar
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    I would vote for berge myself not only because I live in gilbert but also because it will save us a grand a year? Seems like a no brainer.

  6. #6
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by Martimus View Post
    Ya know... its always puzzled me why people think 35th street and Thomas is such a bad neighborhood. For almost 8 years I worked at the corner of 44th street and Van Buren. My GF owned a house at 32nd street and Oak (she still does!). I've left my cars parked outside my old work for days at a time (was much cheaper than parking at the airport!). And I'd done more than my share of pulling overnighters. Yes its quite the, er, amusing neighborhood but not terribly dangerous!

    I you want a really amusing neighborhood try Central and Baseline!. Or better still my old employers had a location at Park and Silverlake in south Tucson. Now those are places where some might feel more comfortable packing heat after dark!!

    Personally I vote to keep the meeting in East/Central Phoenix or maybe even Tempe.
    I agree that there are a lot worse neighborhoods than the current location. But up until this year it was a safe haven for homeless/immigrants during the summer months and you literally had to step over them laying on the sidewalks to get to the door. Also, there have been numerous reports of vandalism, etc. in the parking lot. Kevin said earlier that they now have a 'Guard' patrolling the parking lot while the meeting is going on inside. I don't think that will stop the chance of something happening to our cars. What a shame we even have to do that in the first place. It sounds like it is necessary though. It must be a bad area since we have to have a Guard in the parking lot, wouldn't you say? Thanks for your vote and I will make a note of it. I am just saying that there are numerous people that will never go to the Meetings because of this. I am just trying to help, not make problems.

  7. #7
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    i am not gonna add a vote. honestly i do not like the location that the church is in, but then again, berge is not very central, and honestly, i am even less likely to attend a meeting if i constantly have to drive 40 miles to get there. but if it works out for the better of the club, than so be it.

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  9. #9
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    i am not gonna add a vote. honestly i do not like the location that the church is in, but then again, berge is not very central, and honestly, i am even less likely to attend a meeting if i constantly have to drive 40 miles to get there. but if it works out for the better of the club, than so be it.
    I agree and thanks for your input. Yes, you are right in that the location makes a big difference especially since my gas is $4.40/gallon. I don't mind driving to phoenix and back but the location is what I have a problem with. I know I am not alone in that either. Thanks again.

  10. #10
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    I was pretty surprised that the church charges $1000/year for an hour or two meeting each month. I'm in the wrong business.

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