Your AZ cobras boring read of the day:
Bout 2 PM and I'm hanging some ceiling fans today when I decide to go and look at my mouth in the mirror cause it just hurts like a MF to even breathe/swallow.
Look inside and there are these 2 blood "spots" just above the uvula (look it up if you think it's funny... cause you're just dumb). "Oh shit...time to go see a doctor."
So I jump in my sponsored van and head down to urgent care. They get me in within 20 minuets; thats pretty quick! So the RN is doing all the questions and shit and she asks how long I've had these symptoms. "Since April 1st, and no it's not a joke" I reply. Then she asked what prompted me to come in...I open my mouth and the look on her face was kinda funny to me... like she'd just seen a Dahlmer victim.
So she leaves, then comes right back in and says she needs to do a throat swab. OK...after damn near choking me cause she's looking the other way to avoid the scenery on my rear palette, she says the results will be done in 5 minuets.
So the doc comes back in 5 minuets later, introduces himself and shakes my hand...then proceeds to wash them off throughly (why?). First thing he asks is "Why did you wait so long to come in?" I said cause the sickness doesn't bother me, I'm just kinda freaked about the dawn of the dead looking shit in the back of my throat. He looks at me like I'm a tard (cause I am in this case) and says the throat culture is positive for strep throat. GREAT! 21 days later lets do something about it, eh James?...
So, just a non-fiction story of why I've sounded like absolute redneck shit for the last 3 weekends.
Thank you for your attention, you may now carry on with your lives.