its def gonna take a long time to get down the track. so its basically gonna come down to my launch. were going to do the best of 3 races. he has never been down the track before. but im pretty nervous.
its def gonna take a long time to get down the track. so its basically gonna come down to my launch. were going to do the best of 3 races. he has never been down the track before. but im pretty nervous.
want to hear something awesome? im running on 5 spark plugs instead of 6. the #1 boot doesnt have the sleeve that connects to the plug so now i have to go and buy a new a full tune up.
Put a bottle of alcohol in your tank too!!! 8-12 ounces. Ha need the extras!!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
eh cost too much unless the performance outweighs the cost.
Last edited by Built4speed; 05-08-08 at 12:57 AM.
Man, I wonder what the times are going to be? Any estimates?
its kind of a ghetto track. no time boards only time slips. the burnout pad has water on it and water on the starting point. so when i start y r/t is over 1 sec because my tires keep spinning. and i dont want to burn out too much because im using my street tires (dont think i even need to). oh and the track is on a 1% incline (maybe more). last time i went i was running on 5 sparkpulgs and was hitting 18.21 at 86mphi hope that once i get the plug fixed my time will improve. but he has never raced at the track before. but the race is set for the 17th so i will be posting pictures (dont know how to upload videos).
did some research:
00 V6 Mustang (stock)
Engine: 3.8L V6
Horespower: 190 @ 5250 RPM
Torque: 220 @ 2750 RPM
Weight: 3064 Lbs
Transmission: Auto
94 V6 Camaro (stock)
Engine: 3.4L V6
Horsepower: 160 @ 4600 RPM
Torque: 200 @ 3600 RPM
Weight: 3247 Lbs
Transmission: Manual
more info at
well what ever happens let us know.
and good luck.
2003 svt Lightning
chickenears cai
bassani catback
bassani catted mid
LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
Fluidyne HE
a little faster then stock.
I think you'll win, but getting your car running properly is more important. I would not take it to the track until you are 100% sure it is running correctly.
So you were racing uphill on a wet track missing a spark plug?
Reminds me of the old stories my parents would tell me about walking to school in the snow, without shoes, uphill both ways lol
Just imagining the run makes me
Goodluck and when in doubt:
thats what my friends keep telling me to do. but i were to get n02 there will be 6 pistons flying through my hood. lol.
so i went to summit to get my plug coils and had none in stock. so im checking a couple other places but if none have them i will have to settle for aftermarket
oh and about2bite, sorry to hear about your car. i had similar things happen while i was in high school