I had a job today on the outskirts of Phoenix by Jackrabbit and I-10. While driving around I found a few interesting cars sitting in peoples backyards. Who says you can't find old classic's still in AZ. Some cars like the 65/66 Stang and 67 convert were just sitting behind an abandoned shack. I'm going to have to check out the county records and see who owns them and send them some letters. Most of these cars were found on dirt roads out of site from the main roads.
There was also a crapload of old trucks...50's mainly.
These two might be good deals and for sale
Questionable...it had tags.
Anyone for an old Pinto rust free?
Nice Bird.
Cool looking Ranchero
Convertable CUDA... WOW
72' Satelite Sebring????
Another Coupe, looks like work stop after the Vietnam war
Galaxie 500?
Rust free Pinto Country Squire
More Galaxies