Quote Originally Posted by chewbaccajones View Post
Don't you sell Hyundai's?

It is in the $3.60 range here. Going to SD the last week of the month with a hemi durango and the terminator. That should be fun.
wow you guys are lucky! I think fuel in so cal is in the $4.20 range good luck

Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
I remember when the pipe line broke to the valley, people were running scarred and paid over $3.00 a gallon and didn't squock about, just glad they were able to get some.. I knew we were in trouble because the oil companies are making record profits!! Billions!! There is more oil all over the USA than we need to get form arabia but the tree huggers won't let us get it, but.. They want us to lessen our dependency on foriegn oil....

Plus there has not been a new refinery built in the US for over 10 years!!
oh man freaking cars were backed up to the streets it sucked! I was in heaven when i moved there and 91 was $2.50ish in 2003

hope to see some of you guys in a few weeks