Yep-a frend took a single wire alternator, 12v battery and a 5HP gas engine and made a cool 12v generator. With an invertor of the correct size you can run for hours.
Originally Posted by Rev'n Kevin
Wasn't planning on a one night stand, lol.
Alrighty, help me figure this out, been doing some more research, but can't seem to find all the answers. I need 120v AC @60hz/300w, so if I was to install say a 1200w DC to AC power inverter into my truck, this should give me more than enough I would think, if I am outputing 400w per channel through my power mixer.
I imagine I would have to keep the truck running to not drain the battery, so then I am drawing on the alternater for say 3 hours, good or not good?
Or using the same theory, hook the same inverter to say a cheap generator w/ 12 dc output, and it should do the same thing as a more expensive inverter generator, I would think.