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Thread: "Hostile" vs. "67 'Stang Lover" Rival Grudge Match!!!!!!

  1. #81
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    Steve, yes all you have tp pay is for tech, your all set for the suite!
    Thanks Dave for clearing it up for me. I knew you or Sarah would help me on that subject. I was just concerned because I didn't want to miss the Hospitality Suite. Thanks again. See you all this Sunday for the Monthly Meeting. I am going for sure this time since it is the last one before the big Show........

  2. #82
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by 1rad67 View Post
    Hey steve, good luck out there on the race track. I will be a spectator watching the drags but wish i had a race car to join in on the fun, but it's almost just as fun watching everyone race.

    Good luck!

    I wish we could race down the track together but I read above that you retired your Mustang from racing. Maybe you can take your '07 down there and run it. I already ran mine in April and had a blast doing it.

  3. #83
    Senior Member Classic67's Avatar
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    Steve & Chris....hope both of you can bring your '67 stangs to the drags! It would be cool to get a picture of all 3 of our classics together. And Steve, I am hoping you have yours ready to roll by then, I'm all in for you to win! LOL!

  4. #84
    Senior Member Classic67's Avatar
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    See you at the track tonight! Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

  5. #85
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Are we going to have this grudge match for real this year?????????????
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  6. #86
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Good question?????
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  7. #87
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    Are we going to have this grudge match for real this year?????????????
    Burntire and Dave,

    You can't imagine how bad I would like Nick and I to run eachother again like we did in '07. We were going to run the 'Grudge Match' last year at the National Mustang Show but my Transmission was having problems with leaking fluid out of the front seal and it was too bad to run it. Didn't want to contaminate the Track for it would have been unsafe for other racers running after me.
    Nick and I always had fun doing it since we were so close in times as well as us being an early model (naturally aspirated and non-power adder) and a late model (fuel injected and with power adder) just added that much more excitement. The last time we ran I went throught the traps with a 12.5 and Nick went through with a 12.8 so this is just by a bumper at the top end to say the least. It is a classic drag race and we both had a lot of fun. BTW, this match race was going on for a couple of years and Nick and I had met eachother in 2003 at his Dealer that he worked at.
    After going through 2 Transmissions and Convertors in the last 2 years and the problem still not fixed, I have deducted that it must be an Engine issue. From all of the people that I have talked to (Race Shops, Drag Racers, etc.), this is the only thing that I can think of that must be wrong. The engine must be out of balance so bad that it is shaking the Flex Plate in turn vibrating the Convertor and throwing the front seal out on the Transmission.
    Something is wrong with the engine since other things have happened due to vibration- for example: header bolts loosening multiple times, #4 cylinder exhaust valve rocker coming off of stud, alternator tensioner coming loose, starter bolt coming loose, carburetor venturi bolt losening, etc. This should not happen this frequently even on a new motor.
    If anyone has any suggestions or can offer help please let me know as I am at wits-end. Since the economy as well as other things have put a damper on fixing this problem that is why I haven't ripped into this until I find out what is wrong. I have been cautious to say the least due to these reasons as should be expected.
    I have tried everything to fix this like a new convertor (2x), tranny, flex plate (2x-sfi-approved), bell housing, harmonic balancer, etc.
    I have decided to pull the motor soon and build another one with roughly the same specs, cam, etc. I know this will cost thousands so i am going at this slowly and methodically at first.
    Sorry for the long thread but I needed to explain myself in detail since this was supposed to happen last October. Thanks,

  8. #88
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    I say lets have a tech day with his car, We really need to get this match going again. Come on HPS'ers lets help Steve out here. He rocks and deserves the help.

  9. #89
    67 'Stang Lover
    Quote Originally Posted by RockysMom View Post
    I say lets have a tech day with his car, We really need to get this match going again. Come on HPS'ers lets help Steve out here. He rocks and deserves the help.
    I would love a 'Tech Day' as I know there are a lot of Hobbyists, Motorheads and Racers on this Forum. However, this is not a simple problem and I wouldn't want to bother anyone since we are all so busy in our personal lives. If we did have a 'Tech Day' I would provide all of the food and drink for sure. We can throw it around so thanks for mentioning it. Maybe we can bring it up at the next Monthly meeting or something of that nature.................

  10. #90
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    Other clubs do it so why not us ???? :)))
    Quote Originally Posted by 67 'Stang Lover View Post
    I would love a 'Tech Day' as I know there are a lot of Hobbyists, Motorheads and Racers on this Forum. However, this is not a simple problem and I wouldn't want to bother anyone since we are all so busy in our personal lives. If we did have a 'Tech Day' I would provide all of the food and drink for sure. We can throw it around so thanks for mentioning it. Maybe we can bring it up at the next Monthly meeting or something of that nature.................

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