Finally got a clean pass after my solid axle swap. Stock chromies up front with 10.5" AFS rears and 315 bald ass BFG DR's. Full weight cobra, nothing taken out (besides the IRS). This was with a 2lb lower and 2.93 upper max timing was 18*. I then tossed on the 2.76, launched the same way and blew my tires off (I must have picked up quite a bit of power and TQ LOL!) 60' was a crappy 1.87. I will be going for a 10 second pass soon once I get a new set of BFG's on. I don't know how to tell what todays DA was. It was 68* today and 1300' above sea level. This car definitely has the potential to go high 10's in street trim, maybe low 10's with sway bar removed and some skinnies and slicks. Toss in the shot, who knows.