3 OR 4 PM
For Wild West Mustang Club Members...and Wolf. :) Although Wolf...we are on opposite ends of the are still welcomed. :)
More info to come...
3 OR 4 PM
For Wild West Mustang Club Members...and Wolf. :) Although Wolf...we are on opposite ends of the are still welcomed. :)
More info to come...
wow we jumped some days there. MORE TIME TO GET RID OF THE TRUCK!!
Sorry for missing the meeting it was a bad night and scince the stang is down i needed to hit another meeting that night.
I am needing:
2 motor mounts LH-RH
radiator has a small leaking from the seam
i think i need a a thermostat and i dont know where to get one and how much
i think fan and fan clutch will be ok
and i am looking to buy an electric fan for the front of the radiator to push air
Motor mounts usually break when you rev up the engine in neutral and drop it into gear. Also after you break your mounts from doing that the engine shifts and pulls on the radiator hoses which tug on the radiator and cause leaks. You didnt do any of this to cause those problems?![]()
ha no. the mounts are old. 1969. i got under it and found thats what it was. i looked at the other side that isnt broken and i dont know how they survived. i poked it and a peice fell. its old. old cars need attention. And i have only done a neutral bomb once and that was WAY before this. and no the leak in very small i mena i could still drive it and not worry at all. the hoses are fin and i think the fan is fine. I do need a thermo though because the car will still get really hot. it has been replaced before. i will be getting an electric fan to push air throught the radiator. right now i am looking at one on craigslist for $20 that is used and runs off the battery. it is all switch. cheep. it is 11" in diamiter i think it will do the job. the air conditioning in the car works only when the car is cool. when you have the air on it over heats. there for i ned the fan. + this fan will be nice to have because you can simply unplug it at shows.
Good question BLUE...I'm going with you on this one. lol
BTW Mustangs overheat? NO TELL ME IT ISN'T SO!
I will run your list past Broch and I just talked to another club member that I think has a that could work out pretty well..
Talk soon.
well let me know i dont want to go to far and i think honestly some of you guys need to talk to my mom. the only thing i kno is cars and she doesnt trust me with them. so she freaks about everything so. i need to know how far i am driving and kenny go look at the post on the tech night. i created. its called imput on tech night. And i have heard many things about chains? where the mount is like under it just incase they snap
Okay Austin here is the figure out the hurdles, we'll jump them some how. But as it looks right now (waiting to hear back from Broch but I think we are good)...we will have tech day for you on June 7th at 9am or so (brock will let me know). We'll need you to get the parts you need...between myself, broch probably even Jemal we can help you go get the parts if need it. I would suggest emailing broch and he'll tell you what you need.
We will be doing it over at Brochs because quite frankly he has EVERYTHING we need short of a lift...and we don't need a lift for you. He has everything from an engine hoist on down.
How far is he from 83rd and deer valley? And im guessing to get his email go to the club sight? And then how much its a thermo as well? Im sure it needs to be replaced but no biggie yet.