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Thread: A Mustang for a Teenager

  1. #11
    Senior Member About2Bite's Avatar
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    How about a fox body LX 5.0? Can't go wrong with one of those imo. The mods are cheap so when he wants, and is ready for, more power it's not going to cost too much. Not to mention they make anything and everything under the sun for those motors. He can probably do a lot of the work himself and they are great to learn on.

    Just my

    Wow lots of smilies
    Black 04 Cobra

    KB 2.2 @ 19#'s, 3.25(15#) upper, 4# lower, CAI, Kooks LT's, Catted H,
    SLP LM1 CB, 60# inj, BF idlers, BF TB, Zoom ZVT Stage 3, 26 Spline, MGW,
    2400 MAF, Ron Davis Racing HE, SCT tune, AFS 10.5, 315/35/17

    Quote Originally Posted by wickedcobra View Post
    I have it worked out with my wife too, I get car parts, she gets brooms, vacuum, irons etc....LOL

  2. #12
    Senior Member Mr. Austin's Avatar
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    Or find and old classic 6cyl that needs some work so he can learn along the way

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm leaning toward a V6. I wouldn't want him to have too much fun and perhaps spend a lifetime regretting it (ie: accident). That way he'll always know that I could take him with my GT and the balance of power can be maintained.
    2006 GT Sonic Blue
    C&L CAI with Brenspeed Tune
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Built4speed's Avatar
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    i think a v6 is pretty good especially with gas prices going up. but like i said a v6 can get kind of boring so make sure to keep adding mods once things seem to get dull.

  5. #15
    Member nadador's Avatar
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    Go with the V6 for a starter car. Let your son buy his own GT some day. The V6 will give him the motivation to work hard and be responsible so he can work up to the REAL THING. Everyone else is right about the insurance too.
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    Last edited by nadador; 05-08-08 at 04:55 PM.

  6. #16
    Member mustangvsix's Avatar
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    I would go with the V6 as a starter car also, it may not be the most powerful car but if he is a good responsible kid then he will realize that is very lucky to be given a car of any kind and he has all his life to work at getting a car that can beat the pants off his dad's gt

    oh and as for which one to get, I know of a white 2000 V6 that is very very eye catching! lol!
    2001 True Blue Cobra Convertible
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  7. #17
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    There ya go a perfect match and a good home for that nice Mustang!!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  8. #18
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    The 05+ V6's respond very well to mods and really their aftermarket is really starting to come into the field with more and more companies making parts for them. They are pretty tame for a younger driver but if he enjoys the racing culture he could evolve the car into a very quick DD with some time and hard work. I personally had one for several years until I proved I was responsible to my parents and in college. Never a single ticket or accident and taking top quality care of the car was key for them. If that is on the expensive side (for many people a brand new car for the kids is a bit costly) I would certainly consider a 5.0 in good shape. They can last forever if well taken care of, and like About2Bite said they are dirt cheap to mod as well as the ford 302 being a fantastic motor to learn on.
    Last edited by Aerosi665; 06-04-08 at 01:44 AM.

  9. #19
    Senior Member BOOMSHAKALAKA's Avatar
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    I say let em have it. He is a male so he should be fine
    2001 GT Performance Red

  10. #20
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    96-98 gt is what you should give a teenager..they arent exspensive anymore, they lack power, and later on can be modded to make decent power if staying n/a due to a little higher compression ratio. To be honest a 96-98 gt will start off throwing down the same power as newer v6's

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