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Thread: Saturday Morning Cruise

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Great job! We were laughing in LA when john said he was "drifting". Knowing that road, that means John just the corners really fast. lol Or at least faster than granny.

  2. #2
    Senior Member hpmotzd's Avatar
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    We started up the hill relaively conservatively, just in case. Sure enough, there was a cop, but he already had someone pulled over. As soon as we passed him, John and Mark (Mr. "conservative"), blew past me like I was standing still, after that it was ON for the rest of the trip. lol. The poor cop had to have heard us flying up the hill and been trying to get his ticket written as fast as he could so he could try and catch up with us. Here are a few more pics that Mark took.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member maddme's Avatar
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    Sounds like that was alot of fun! I would have went along on that cruise but have not been on HPS for about a week.

    Were still doing the Sonic thing this Saturday?
    2007 Mustang GT/CS - 20 inch Custom Boyd Coddingtons, BFG KDW, Ford Racing air intake, x-pipe, pro cal tune, JBA axel backs.

  4. #4
    Senior Member hpmotzd's Avatar
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    peoria, az
    Well, next time I will try and give everyone a lot more notice. As far as I know, sonic and safeway are still on for tomorrow. I think Kenny moved that time back an hour to 2 oclock. Take a look at the WWM website for all of the details.

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