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Thread: Jim Allen GT/CS Signature - help

  1. #21
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Allen GT/CS View Post
    Hey Jaco, cool photo shop photo don't you think? I want to make a poster or two and some T-Shirts!!! Very cool. Now I have a dilemma of which one to use as the SIG and which to use as the little photo on the left under the log in name? What do you think?

    How can I save that photo to my photo files so i can print it???

    Any word on the Van Nuys GT/CS show? Talk tp you soon!
    Jim -right click the photo- then save picture as-
    Pick a location on your computer and then save it.
    Then it will be on your computer.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  2. #22
    Senior Member Stern90LX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Allen GT/CS View Post
    I love the photo Stern90lx - it's a poster! How do I get that image to my photo files so i can print it?

    Now I don't know which photo i should use for the SIG and which one for the left column under log in name? What do you think. Thanks for spending the time on it! Very cool!
    To save the image Right click the image and on the Menu that pops up there should be an Option to Save As or Save Image As. Chose a place to save it on your hard drive and there you go. Only spent like 10 mins on it. I've done better. :) If you need one that's larger let me know.

    Oh as for the Avatar(the little photo on the left under user name) Click User CP near the top and select Edit Avatar.
    The Pony Car Wars are over... The Mustang Won

  3. #23
    Junior Member Jim Allen GT/CS's Avatar
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    Awesome! It simple but sooo cool for someone like me that is behind the times on computers! I love the SIG and the custom Avatar is fun. Thanks again for your help on this Stern90LX. See ya soon!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stern90LX View Post
    To save the image Right click the image and on the Menu that pops up there should be an Option to Save As or Save Image As. Chose a place to save it on your hard drive and there you go. Only spent like 10 mins on it. I've done better. :) If you need one that's larger let me know.

    Oh as for the Avatar(the little photo on the left under user name) Click User CP near the top and select Edit Avatar.

  4. #24
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    So far there are 5 GT/CS From the Knott's resort going up to Galpin!!! we are leaving around 8:30ish!!! It's not to late to bring Brit with ya!!!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  5. #25
    Junior Member Jim Allen GT/CS's Avatar
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    Hey Jaco - any details on that event? I'm thinking if they do something really cool - an anniversary photo of all the GT/CS's or something i don't want to miss it with my car? I would have to change my palne ticket tomorrow (Thursday ) morning? If there isn't going to be much planned then I will go but without my car??? Know anything that would help me make my decision to bring the Brit???

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    So far there are 5 GT/CS From the Knott's resort going up to Galpin!!! we are leaving around 8:30ish!!! It's not to late to bring Brit with ya!!!

  6. #26
    Junior Member Jim Allen GT/CS's Avatar
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    hey Ster90LX - Hope all is well? You asked if I'd like a bigger image (file - pixel size?) of my Avatar or the SIG you could send one. I'd love to have one larger so I could make larger sharper prints and it would fill my screen and remain sharp. Sign me up for that!

    Are you going to Knotts? I'm going but probably flying and then spending time with my old club the San Diego Mustang Club. I am still a member with them. Hope to see you there? Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stern90LX View Post
    To save the image Right click the image and on the Menu that pops up there should be an Option to Save As or Save Image As. Chose a place to save it on your hard drive and there you go. Only spent like 10 mins on it. I've done better. :) If you need one that's larger let me know.

    Oh as for the Avatar(the little photo on the left under user name) Click User CP near the top and select Edit Avatar.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Stern90LX's Avatar
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    Naw, I can't afford to go anywhere until next month. It's all work and no play for me these days. I'll work on getting you a larger size of that one I did for ya in the mean time. :)
    The Pony Car Wars are over... The Mustang Won

  8. #28
    Junior Member Jim Allen GT/CS's Avatar
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    Sorry you can't make it - looks like I'm driving there now. Dave J thinks he can still get me in to the Knotts show but the real reason i'm going is because there is 40th anniversary event recognizing the California Specials at a Ford Dealer in L.A. the sat before knotts. I have always felt that the GT/CS's get no support or recignition and now that someone has stepped up to recognizing the breed I feel like I need to represent. Now I just have to hope tthat all the club members going over from the CSMC don't drive 100MPH. Yes, my car is the only mustang that's not a Shelby to sport Shelby parts but those parts are not under the hood! Wish me luck! Talk to you later and I appreciate the photos! Thanks again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stern90LX View Post
    Naw, I can't afford to go anywhere until next month. It's all work and no play for me these days. I'll work on getting you a larger size of that one I did for ya in the mean time. :)

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