can i play with the winner on pumpgas only i promise
can i play with the winner on pumpgas only i promise
It will be the best of 3 runs. One run isn't fair especially if one of us has a bad launch, etc.
FYI- I just wanted to clarify something. I am not saying I am faster than anyone on here, especially the Cobra's, etc. They are super fast and I respect that 100%. But I built my car myself from the ground up and didn't have the luxury/choice of a speed shop build/tune. No offense, just my 2 cents. Just letting people know where my car stands. I love all Mustangs, old-new. I am faster than Nick though. LOL. Just kidding Nick. We are going to have a blast though, whoever wins. I know one thing, it is going to be real, not some 'Pinks' show. LOL..............Hopefully we can get a bunch of us out there and show the Chevy's that we rule. Then we can drive over to the show area afterwards at the Casino 300 ft. away. Sweet.................
An idea for the t-shirts. How about pictures of both our car's facing eachother and saying something like 'Duel in the Desert', the 12 second club shootout, CMC logo, etc. Just throwing some ideas around. I know we will get some better ideas from other members, I don't have much of an imagination for this. Let me know. Thanks..........
ok stang lover you get that 100 shot cause you'll need it, i have a added a secret to my car but im not saying, its just enough to give that little boost i need to stay ahead but like you said "not that i'll need it thou" ha ha ha ha so come october it will be a HOSTILE TAKEOVERand i know how you really feel about me steve lmfao plus i like my big sentences this isnt english class so i'll write how i please lol. Ok cobra guys now just relax i know you'll spank me bad in the 1/4 but any time you want to try me on the road course i'll be there lol
anyway we'll all have fun come october so we need everyone in the stands for me and steve's (stang lover) run ok later everyone......bye steve
i'll do a road course, so long as there are some loooong
On the main track which uses the drag strip as the straight i hit 140 so you should have no prob but now remember iv'e been doin this stuff for 7 years now so its not always how fast you are but it is alot of fun you should try it i race with check'em out next race is in may then they shut down for a couple months for summer then the next race will be in sept im not going in may but i am in sept.
its always been a thought, but i would need to get ahold of something other than a drag radial, as i am sure thats not a very useful tire in the corners. ;)
No thats not a goos tire to use you'll be all over the place you need a good street tire that handles good and i mean GOOD!!! or road race tires like hosiers's R6's great road race tires plus suspension like maximummotorsports like what i have to make it handle so when im in the turns i wave goodbyesee ya lol but it is alot of fun once you do it you'll be hooked andy with the red cobra he's coming out talked to him about it when we were in cali at fab ford forever.
I can't wait until October so we can run again. I hope Dave can get some shirts going for us. I was thinking we could let the Announcer in the Tower know of our Rivalry. They would run with it that is for sure and get the crowd going. We need to get it on video and post it on You-Tube. That would be awesome. I was just kidding on the 'Juice' since my engine isn't set up for it. I don't care because I am going to run it hard anyway. Keep talking smack though because I love it. You are going to have to knock me off of the podium. Good luck, but just be careful because you might be eating your words again. I am sure I will hear the excuses again as well. LMFAO..........