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Thread: Sunday Cruise To Prescott...........

  1. #41
    67 'Stang Lover

    'Hostile' is up to 16 Posts. You had better start working overtime to get this server up to speed for him. LOL...............I can't wait until October so I can show Nick to stay off of the 1320. Maybe 'Burntire' can be on my team in case I lose we won't have to worry about giving up the crown. Dave had better make up some shirts to sell so we can make some money for the club off of this rivalry. LMFAO. Just remember something that I am still #1 Nick when it comes to you and me so until you knock me off of the podium stop talking smack. I will be ready for you and I might add some 'Spray' to make sure I keep myself on the podium. There are a lot of fast Mustang's in this club and I will admit that quite a few are faster than me. However, I will always make sure you are behind me even if it means me taking out another mortgage to finance it. LOL. I hope you can get up to 20 posts by October. Nick, Have a nice day and you should start paying 'Burntire' some OT pay for accomedating the Server to your needs. I can't wait and maybe we should start taking bets and giving odds out.
    Mustang Lover............

  2. #42
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Man Nick is out of control. Hogging all the bandwidth to himself.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  3. #43
    Member HOSTILE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    yea yea stang lover remember we run the same times "12.5" but not this time pal im going for the 12.2 so you better get that spray out cause your gonna need it lol and remember to watch for the free hand out the window as i blow by and i will be king of our rivalry ha ha ha ha ha and i agree on the t-shirts for this with both our cars on it at the tree that would be cool but with me in the lead ha ha ha ha ha so do what ya gotta do stang lover cause im gonna get HOSTILE all over you yeaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha later buddy

  4. #44
    67 'Stang Lover
    Have you ever heard of a run on sentence? I think you need to use 'periods' in your sentences more as well as proper english and spelling. You are right about the 12.5 but I still beat you to the line though. Also, I built my car from the ground up by myself. Just remember that buddy boy. I think we need to get some t-shirts made. Have a nice day.

  5. #45
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Pittsburgh, PA
    run-on sentence - an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  6. #46
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Mesa, Az
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    That's the Nick in his finest form!!! I can hear him right now!!!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  7. #47
    Member HOSTILE's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    yea yea yea whatever dont change the subject i dont have time to put all the periods in and crap. i'll give that to ya steve you will get me off the line but thats all your gonna do cause im gonna come passing by bye and your right again about building your car i just pay someone to do mine im a driver not a tech so all my concentation is on driving so be ready steve cause HOSTILE is coming ha ha ha ha ha later steve ohh and yea lets do those shirts....

  8. #48
    Member HOSTILE's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    i was thinking i havent ran my car since i put on my subframe connectors and now i have my panhard bar which will stiffen the rear axle so now the car is goona launch alot better HA HA so steve i might not have such a bad launch,plus im going to stall it up a bit too i havent done that in any of my runs they were all just puched to the floor so the time has come for steve to give me the throne or face fate HA HA HA HA HA HA see you in october steve....later

  9. #49
    67 'Stang Lover
    Whatever, I will be ready for your Mustang. Read 'Burntire's' Websters Dictionary defintion of what a Sentence means. You might learn something. LOL. I want to get Dave to make up some shirts for us on the rivalry. We can make some money for the club. I can't wait for this October. I am going to Loper's and buy some spray, maybe a 100 shot. I won't need it though. Take care of your better half and stop trying to intimidate me on here. We know who has the throne so stop dreaming. I know how you really feel about me.................
    Mustang lLover

  10. #50
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Mesa, Az
    Platinum Award 
    I'll do what I can about the shirts. This is gonna be fun! Still is it best of 3 or winner take all???

    Will October be a "Hostile" take over or will 67 Stang Lover Reign???
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

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