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Thread: Not Sure

  1. #1
    Junior Member Blacksnake's Avatar
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    South Carolina

    Not Sure

    Yeserday I did a datalog on my car and was woundering if anyone could tell me what the numbers mean. I posted earlier about my car running lean. Atleast that what I was told by the shop that did my air/fuel ratio.
    I did a 3rd gear pull from 2000 rpm to 5500 rpm while datlogging it with an XCal 2. I only checked the Spark, MAF, Load, Inlet Air Temp, and Coolant Temp. Here are the numbers:
    Spark: 29.500 - 22.000 /
    MAF: 260.000 - 248.000 /
    Load: 0.084 - 0.099 /
    Inlet Air Temp: 58.000 - 60.000 /
    Coolant Temp: 188.000 - 190.000.
    Please excuse me if I posted something incorrect. This is all very new to me. Thanks for your advice.
    Step into the dark to see the light.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    Spark = How many degrees of timing you are running. (What is the octane rating that you are using?)
    MAF = Maf counts, how much air the MAF is reading you are bringing in
    Load = how hard your motor is working but I have seen it above 100% so not sure how thats possible
    Inlet Air temp = exactly what it says but that is before it gets into the motor. The one to watch is your IAT2 which is after the air has gone through the blower
    Coolant temp =exactly what it says
    2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
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  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Did you datalog with the laptop interface hooked up?
    Or did you just use the xcal onboard datalog stuff?

    The data above doesn't tell me much. It needs to be in a CVS file.

    I attached a datalog for my car if you want to look at stuff.

    You need to log Air Fuel - Need a wideband for that.

    You can see all the parameters I log on the top of the excel sheet.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  4. #4
    Junior Member Blacksnake's Avatar
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    Thanks for putting this in the correct forum. I used the XCal 2 to onboard to datalog. Can I switch the current information to CVS file or do I have to make another run?
    The timing should be stock and the fuel octane is 93. Never Modified the car. Still stock engine wise. Bassani X-pipe and CatBack are the only Mods. What's the best gauge to by to measure the air/fuel ratio?
    Step into the dark to see the light.

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Not sure but I would think you could download the data to your computer.

    Do you have a laptop? If so you can download Livelink from SCT and datalog like I do.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  6. #6
    Junior Member Blacksnake's Avatar
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    South Carolina
    I'd like to thank everyone who has offered to help me with my car. I've been a part of many sites and have found them to be mostly jerks and selfish. This site has been great regardless of the out come of my car. So THANK YOU ALL! I'll solve the issue soon and thanks for putting up with me. I'm learning as I go. No I don't own a laptop. But I'll figure out how to download the info soon.
    Step into the dark to see the light.

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