Mike; It sounds to me like you have a 6600 switch chip in your car. And no your not screwed, if PSR is an SCT Dealer they can still tune your car. If you have a chip in your car, you might want to upgrade to a programmer anyway. At least with the programmer, you can data-log your own car and see where everything is at. If you had SCT software, racer pkg. with a programmer you could tune it yourself. All you would have to do is rent a dyno for an hour, that's so you can get your AFR, unless you have your own wide-band O2 sensor. I still have my Advantage 3 software, and I would be willing to let it go for a reasonable price. With Advantage 3, it has it's own built in help section that will walk you through the whole tuning process. Even if you've never tuned before, you could do it that's how easy SCT software is to work with. The only thing, I don't have the processor code for your COBRA. It does have two processor codes with it, CXN1 for the 01 Lightning, and BMD0 for the 03 Marauder. You can add processor codes to it anytime, by going to your local SCT Dealer and telling him what you need. I know either the 03 or 04 COBRA'S were AMZ2, I'm not sure which one had that code. You can find it on the inside of the passenger door, or A pillar. It's a little white sticker about 1"X1" squared with 3 letters and a number. And to add a processor code, depending on the dealer, only goes for $75.00-$100.00. I got mine through Mike Dezotel, at Dez Racing and that's all he ever charged me. Then SCT will email the code to you so you can add it to your software. Oh yeah, Have you called Dave at dnd motorsports on your short block yet? If you deside to go that way, make sure you tell him I sent you. He's a good friend of mine, and he'll take good care of you. I've already mentioned your name to him, so you should be all set when your ready, Mike D. (ITLRUN).