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Thread: Texas guy's DotCom Challenge

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Currently Iraq, Whitney Tx

    Texas guy's DotCom Challenge

    I'm new to this board but thought you guys might like to see this.

    The DotCom Forum Challenge is formatted to allow the Internet Forum Car Clubs to battle it out on the concrete quartermile at the Texas Motorplex. Come and compete for yourself and for your team, the team that collects the most points for round wins will receive a trophy for the team and a $25.00 Texas Motorplex Gift Certificate for each team member.

    Each participant must be a member of an invited Forum Team to participate. If you and your Forum/Car club are interested in being a part of the race please contact Carl Taylor or by phone at 972-878-2641.

    Event Schedule:
    Gates Open at 11:00 am, Time Trials at 12:00 pm (Noon), Car Show Awards at 4:00 pm

    Admission Fees:
    Spectator Entry: $10.00
    Super Street: $40.00
    Modified Street: $30.00
    Stock Street: $25.00
    E.T. Street: $25.00

    Super Street -- Win-$400.00, R/U-$150.00, Semi-$75.00, Entry: $40.00
    1. Firewall must be stock and in stock location
    2. No Lenco or Bruno type transmissions
    3. Only Mini tubs or stock rear setups allowed
    4. Must have mufflers
    5. NO wheelie bars
    6. ONLY one power added permitted
    7. Run on pro tree

    Modified Street -- Win-$300.00, R/U-$125.00, Semi-$50.00, Entry-$30.00
    **First 7 Same as Super Street**
    8. Must be Tagged, Inspected and Insured (BRING PROOF)
    9. No tubs or mini tubs allowed
    10. Full interior madatory (Carpet, Dash, Stock Door Panels, and seats.)

    Stock Street -- Win-$200.00, R/U-$100.00, Semi-$35.00, Entry-$25.00
    ***First 10 same as Modified Street**
    11. Must have D.O.T. Approved Street Tires
    12. Must have OEM Engine and Transmission
    13. No Nitrous Turbos, or Superchargers allowed unless OEM

    E.T. Street -- Win-$200.00, R/U-$100.00, Semi-$50.00, Entry-$25.00
    No delay boxes, throttle stops, or timing systems permitted
    No cars faster than 11.00
    A driver may enter ET Street and one other class.

    Car Show Info:
    The Car Show will be included in the Spectator admission fee and will be a "show and shine" judged by spectator vote. Car Show Participants will need register at Carshow Registration at the Pro Drivers Lounge/Souvenir Building in the Pits between the Pro Pit Area and the Fuel Station.

    Would be a really cool to attend, you can go here for a lik directly to the motorplex
    Last edited by Speeddemon; 03-22-08 at 05:00 PM.

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