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Thread: Home loan!

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  1. #1
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    Home loan!

    So when I get my income taxes, I will almost be debt free except for like 4gs that I will o on my 04 Grand Prix that I wanna pay off asap!. Any ways when that happens since Im still waiting for my return, I wanna apply for a home loan! Ive never gotten one, so I dont wanna get screwed! So I have a couple of questions.

    Whats the best kind of loan to get?

    What company?

    Damn I know I have more questions but cant think of any! Any info would be damn appreciated!! Thanks!

    Oh yeah Im shooting for a 15 year loan if possible....
    04' F150 Supercrew

  2. #2
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    i would be sure to hit up a credit union. we did ours through desert schools and were very happy with all the details.

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  3. #3
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    May I ask how much was your loan and how much you pay a month?
    04' F150 Supercrew

  4. #4
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    150k and 1100...faimly plan pricing on our house FTW!

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  5. #5
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    NIce!! How did you get the family pricing?? Isn't there like a first time home owners thing were you get a discount to?
    04' F150 Supercrew

  6. #6
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    no. we bought the house from the great grandmothers estate. ;)

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  7. #7
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    My bro was going to school for I dont know what, but his/her teacher told him that there is a federal thing that you get like a 5% percent discount or something. Cant remember all the details, but I will try to see what he was talking bout
    04' F150 Supercrew

  8. #8
    Senior Member wickedcobra's Avatar
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    It depends how much the house is your are gonna buy. Being a first time buyer you should be able to get an FHA loan, there is a cap on how much you can borrow. I think it has been recently raised to about 180K. You should be able to get in a house on a FHA loan with zero down. If you dont have 20% down you will end up with PMI (premium mortgage insurance) will cost you about $100 extra per month but it will be in your payment.

    I have had my last 3 house with country wide. Im on a 30 year fixed. Country wide has been easy to work with. If you buy a house at 150k for 15 years it will carry a steep payment. My suggestion is just do a 30 year. Set yourself up on a biweekly payment so you are making the extra monthly payment every year and it knocks off about 6 years on your term. Then pay extra if you happen to have the extra money.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by wickedcobra View Post
    It depends how much the house is your are gonna buy. Being a first time buyer you should be able to get an FHA loan, there is a cap on how much you can borrow. I think it has been recently raised to about 180K. You should be able to get in a house on a FHA loan with zero down. If you dont have 20% down you will end up with PMI (premium mortgage insurance) will cost you about $100 extra per month but it will be in your payment.

    I have had my last 3 house with country wide. Im on a 30 year fixed. Country wide has been easy to work with. If you buy a house at 150k for 15 years it will carry a steep payment. My suggestion is just do a 30 year. Set yourself up on a biweekly payment so you are making the extra monthly payment every year and it knocks off about 6 years on your term. Then pay extra if you happen to have the extra money.
    He hit is on the head pretty good. I work for compass bank and we have a real good mortgage guy that I could get you into contact with if you want help on getting the ball rolling. Give me a call

    Dustin Botkin
    Compass Bank

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    How do I go about a FHA loan? And no I dont have the 20% percent down. I would like Insurance any how, I dont want my house to burn down and have topay for something thats destroyed...
    04' F150 Supercrew

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