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  1. #1
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    so my girl and I are planning a trip to phoenix in may.last year we went to Sedona,south mountain,cave creek,oh and i loved famous Dave's in chandler!

    this year im thinking the grand canyon,pavilions checking out PSR and i don't know what else.what do you guys recommend?she is into native American culture so the herd museum i guess.any suggestions? were looking at may 17-25 if that helps.
    2003 svt Lightning
    chickenears cai

    bassani catback
    bassani catted mid
    LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
    Fluidyne HE

    a little faster then stock.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    wow, you have the bases covered! we need to do up a big pavs gathering while you are here though. can't wait to meet ya.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Allow two days for the South Rim, unless you just want to drive the rim, not hike it. Then Wupatki Natl Monument just north of Flagstaff. And since its right next door, hit Sunset Crater NM. Then to Walnut Canyon NM. Depending on how much time is left, you could fit in Petrified Forest NP. Then come down through Heber, Payson, etc to Scottsdale and hit the Pavs.

  4. #4
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    cant wait to meet some svt brothers from the south west.i for got about the west valley show, have to check that out also meter crater.any more tips?
    2003 svt Lightning
    chickenears cai

    bassani catback
    bassani catted mid
    LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
    Fluidyne HE

    a little faster then stock.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    You gonna be driving the L?

    I hope to have mine done at that point.
    2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
    2010 Dodge Challenger R/T traded in.
    '03 DBS Cobra .... Traded in, THANK GOD
    '01 Ford Lightning.... Sold, sorely missed

  6. #6
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    no we are going to fly in. i love the thought of bring it to az but i i don't want to put those many miles on it.cant wait to see your L and the new secret power plant.
    2003 svt Lightning
    chickenears cai

    bassani catback
    bassani catted mid
    LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
    Fluidyne HE

    a little faster then stock.

  7. #7
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    The drive from Jerome to Prescott is awesome. Jerome is a pretty cool little town high in a mountainside with a good view of pretty country. It is also a small hippie/artist town.

  8. #8
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    mingus mountain FTW!! good call man!!!

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  9. #9
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    That's what it is, Mingus. Could not remember.

    Hell, that would be a cool cruise to take with a big mustang caravan.

  10. #10
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Ahh, that changes things then if youre flying in. So, on the way north to the Grand Canyon, theres Montezuma Castle NM then Montezuma Well NM. You said last time you did Sedona. But, if you didnt drive north from Sedona, you need to this time so you can carve Oak Creek Canyon on SR 89. Then on to Flagstaff, then Williams to spend the night. Grand Canyon the next day. If youre not hiking the rim, back to Flag that night. Next day is Wupatki NM, then Sunset Crater, then Walnut Canyon. Then on east to Petrified Forest. On the way there is Homolovi Ruins State Park. Also Meteor Crater, but really its a waste. 15$ to get in. Its privately owned and I never have liked that. It should be a National Monument. You dont get to hike to the bottom and self hikes on the rim were discontinued several years ago. Theres an hour guided hike that goes about a quarter of the way around the rim now. Stay the night in Holbrook. Next day is Petrified Forest NP. A FAR better value than Meteor Crater. Then back to Phoenix. Come back on I 40 then back down 89 so you get BOTH sides of carving up Oak Creek Canyon. Stay on 89 to Cottonwood, Clarkdale. Now you could stay the night there and ride the Verde Canyon Railroad or just keep on to Jerome. Youll need to allow at least a half day for Jerome. Then its up and over Mingus Mountain to Prescott then east to Prescott Valley and back to I 17 to Phx.
    Last edited by FalconGTHO; 03-12-08 at 09:37 PM.

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