It's just me. but anymore i kind a like stealth. I like a sleeper car that no one sees. I know
this is not what happens when in transit to and from a shows and i just hate it... I especially
hate the person that hangs on my blind spot on the interstate to look at the car... than if i
have to move over for some reason their car is in the way. I like the way these cars drive
and perform but if i only had a star-trek clocking device that would make the car appear
as a 80's Chevy Chevette or Pinto or some other non dispirit beater that no one would
see or invisible mode...that would be fine with me.So......what i know is this.....while
moving to a destination people act like I'M someone that they seen on TMZ (not to my
liking) but when i arrive the whole thing changes now i'm this A-hole in a fancy azz car that
they glare at...... same person that was on the interstate 15 min ago. now no one has any
questions just the Who do you think you are looks! HAHAHAHA!
that would make me Happy!
Make it so!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Ok, Gonna step into this one, Got my Keyboard back. I have read quite a few of your posts. I totally agree with you guys on this one. BUT.....I went to the large show a few months back, just to hang out and look at all the nice cars, never expected to win. I drove home with a plaque. To my amazement!! It was not like a normal car show at all. I have not done nothing to my car. As everyone knows. There were about 1000 cars there and about 200 or so mustangs. I was totally shocked and called Dave J when I saw a red dot on my headlight. So you just never know. As far as Clicks, yes there are certain clicks in car clubs. But like Dave says, THE CLUB IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT, meaning, if your not involved and dont show to certain things, of course your not going to be in the so called click. These people always go to things together and have fun at things etc.. they have gotten to know one another, and hang out. So is it a bad thing to be in a click, No. But for an outsider looking in, you feel like it is, Its perfectically normal to feel that way, but jump on it, have fun, Show off your car, hang out. Come to the clicky side, its fun over here.See ya all at the Pony Show April 5th