That would be great, if only the clubs would use that catagoring of cars.
That would be great, if only the clubs would use that catagoring of cars.
All good info for me since the JENNABEARS show on March 29th will be my 1st show I organized.
That happened to me once. I entered a stock class and got beat by a DSG Cobra that was well over 600HP with a Kenne Bell. Entered another show and the low rider that was hardly detailed won. Haven't entered a show since.
the best way i've been told 5 or 6 small mods are still considered stock. What is a small mod exhaust, cold air intake, control etc. Any power adders, change of engines, body enhancements then you are modified. If you think about it every mustang etc has an exhaust and intake for the most part so how could you say thats 100 stock you cant but the flip side is how would you have enough for a stock class. My first show i entered stock class since i only had exhaust, stall, a lid, and stock rims painted. Turns out they didnt have enough to have there own class so i got combined in with modified. Still pulled out the win but sucked going against a heads cam nitrous car same color with the little rs ground effect kit.
like i previously said you cant go into a show thinking your going to win and cant think it at the show. Its all luck if you have a clean car. You dont know what the judge is going to be looking for that day. Enter a show cause your proud of your car and want to show it off. Not for the awards
This is a key point, and personally its why i will now be VERY choosy about what shows i goto. since it sucks being told one thing and having another thing done. just not my cup of tea. but i think ruckus said it best with, "Enter a show cause your proud of your car and want to show it off. Not for the awards ". very well said man.
Thanks for all the comments on our shows guys. We CMC adjusted the rules that MCA gives out for our judged fall show. ( Not this years though guys its a full blown MCA Judges show with judges comming from all over the place, your car will be judged against the "book" and not other entries in the "Judged" Class.
Our usuall fall show..
The point system works very well.. The owner tallys his car based on his mods. Little things like chrome engine goodies, floor mats etc are 5 points each but superchargers custom paint jobs and stuff like that are usually 30 points and most guys with power adders have other mods that puts them over into modified. Hank, Chris B. Darrel and myself really lok over the cars to make sure people don't get "sandbagged" I like the judged show that we put on because we as judges base the car on 3 basic principals. Workmanship, cleanliness and presentation. So even someone who has a ton of mods can be outdone by a lesser modded car because of the way it was put together.
Once your in a class then its up to you how your car is judged IE in modified. a 66 point car could beat a 145 point car if its cleaner and better built and in the Factory stock class a bone stock car that goes against a lightly modded car has a even channce depending how long they prepped the car for the show.
There are factors that we cannot control... Friends vote for friends cars sometimes and that can be a problem, me, I vote for the pure presentation! We try to be as fair as we can but cannot tell people how to vote in a peopls choice show. I was at a show in California and a large club show up and they voted for members cars that some were frankly not even close to being winners but they won, thats just the way it goes sometimes.
0-65 points car is in factory stock
65 and above they go into modified..period
We do combine years sometimes but never ever put a modded car into a stock class!!
CARS SHOWS ARE MEANT TO BE FUN!!! Meat new people and BS with friends and enjoy the day, when it stops being that for me, well then I'm out!!
Last edited by Jacostang; 03-12-08 at 10:17 AM.
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
I like that point system. Is there a list of what the mod points are or is it a general list like what you have listed?
i think that point system is frankly one of the best ways to go about it. assigning points for mods i think is the best way to do it. makes it the best and fairest show. basing on the sheer number of mods is not a good way imo. because as said, you have to count anything thats not stock, and frankly something like floor mats is a mod. and how does that compare against something like wheels or a body kit? it does not. but when you use something so open, it leaves too much room.
Every show i've done has been judged on a point system but certain cars depending on type and amount of mods go into stock classes. Floormats, exhaust, cold air intake like i said before would be stock class still. Majore mods like body kits, power adders, engine swaps, over the number or small mods for stock class puts you in the modified class. Then from there cars are judged on the point system