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Thread: Bad day @ my last carshow

  1. #1
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Bad day @ my last carshow

    I did a car show this last weekend, and learned a lot. One, everyone in Mesa knows each other (can you say "click"). Two, never enter a peer voting only show, everybody just votes for their friends and who they know. Three, and most important, never enter your car in the class it should be in. Let me expand on this one. Here's what happened, I entered my car in the Mod Class, since I have several major mods, i.e.. vertical doors, saleen top, roll bar, it's definitely not a stock 95. There were 3 trophies to be had, and 4 cars entered that class, 2 had no major mods whatsoever, especially the certain mustang who shall remain anonymous, let's just say he is as stock as the day it drove off the showroom floor. Well thanks to the clicks, guess who was low man on the totem pole. All I can say is what a crock. Then there was the guy with a fox body and tons of major mods and this idiot entered stock class and took 2nd. I give up, from now on I'm entering the under construction class. Just needed to vent guys, Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    its all good man, thats about how i left my last show feeling. sometimes car shows can be really full of bs. thats why i have been having my best times at the drag strip lately. as there its about your abilities and your cars abilities. not what people "think".

    Tuned By PSR TUNING
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  3. #3
    Senior Member FalconGTHO's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear Kev. But to me, the point of a show is just that, to show off the car. Its not a "hardware hunt". Never hope, plan or expect to win. Now knowing you COULDVE won if things had been straight DOES bite, but still, trophies are like Beanie Babies, its pointless to try and collect them.
    Last edited by FalconGTHO; 03-11-08 at 12:23 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Ya, I'm hearin' you guys, this one just got to me. I'm not giving up, just rethinking some things. See what gets me is I built my car, sure everyone's proud of their new car, but they didn't build it, I guess car shows arn't what they used to be. I think I'll go enter my new jeep hemi commander in the upcoming mopar show, lol

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    What show were you at????
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  6. #6
    Senior Member VSTNG's Avatar
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    Forgive me for my question, because I haven't attended any of these shows, but besides the issue you mentioned, are there other downsides, like having people close to your vehicle (fingerprints/scratches/etc.)?
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  7. #7
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Most people at car shows are courteous around the vehicles. I never had any problems.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VSTNG View Post
    Forgive me for my question, because I haven't attended any of these shows, but besides the issue you mentioned, are there other downsides, like having people close to your vehicle (fingerprints/scratches/etc.)?
    Worst problem is KIDS and PARENTS that do not control them. Don't get me wrong, in a way the kids seeing our "cool" cars and hearing their comments and their little eyes getting wide, is a lot of fun. I had a kid with his parent walk up and then the kid put his foot on my door sill and scrape his foot down. Also kids seem to see with their fingers, they just got to touch it. When we were at the friday cruise in, I saw one kid go down the line and touch every car. Other things to watch for are people with coats on that will lean over your vehical to get a better look, and the zipper pull of an open coat right on the cars paint. I got pulled over the other night and the cop had the corner of his metal clipboard about a half inch from my door, I had to tell him to please move it away from my paint job.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    What show were you at????
    Rather not say, don't want to start something with a fellow club member, but I was pissed enough not to come to sundays meeting. Just because stock class had so many cars in it, is not a reason to enter the car in another class were it does not belong, I blame it more on the people running the show than him. Hope he enjoys his undeserved trophy. And for all you who are thinking I'm just out to collect trophies, not true, just don't like being shut out of one by someone not being honest about his class, I'm seeing more and more of this at the shows and I just don't think it's right.

  10. #10
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    i totally hear ya man. when you put all that work into something, it makes it really a PITA when someone with half or less of the work beats you out. been there done that, and i totally know what your feeling.

    Tuned By PSR TUNING
    11.07 @ 127.93
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