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Thread: my 67 vid.

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    my 67 vid.

    here is a vid i put together of my 67 stang. i know the sound quality isnt the greatest, but youll get the picture im sure. im pretty damn proud of how my car looks and sounds so far but i still have a ways to go in my restomod. what do you think? ill try to dig up some older pics of the car when i first got it. thanks, Nick

    here is the link to the vid, check it out!
    YouTube - nicks 67 Mustang
    Last edited by 67stang289; 03-03-08 at 05:07 AM.
    67 mustang copue, 289 v8, C4 trans, 8" rear all built up nicely to make my car....go fast. just got it running, still in the long process of restoring, but its worth every second.

    Its funny how it can take months to save a ton of money for whatever i may need for the car, but only a few seconds to spend it....

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    21 views and no comments? wow im suprised lol. i hope it doesnt sound or look that bad!
    67 mustang copue, 289 v8, C4 trans, 8" rear all built up nicely to make my car....go fast. just got it running, still in the long process of restoring, but its worth every second.

    Its funny how it can take months to save a ton of money for whatever i may need for the car, but only a few seconds to spend it....

  3. #3
    Senior Member TruBluScreamer's Avatar
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    Well i just fired up the video and my gf walked into the room asking what the hell i was watching and then you revved it she covers her ears and walks away screamin "Jesus that thing is pissed off!!!!"

    Great lookin ride and a great sound keep us posted!!
    2003 True Blue GT
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    thanks. when my girlfriend first heard it in person i had her sitting in the car with me when i fired it up, she said its soo loud, (it was only idling) so i reved it to around 2500 lol and she covered her ears , so i cracked 4500 real quick and she was like alright im getting out its too loud. lol i love it.
    67 mustang copue, 289 v8, C4 trans, 8" rear all built up nicely to make my car....go fast. just got it running, still in the long process of restoring, but its worth every second.

    Its funny how it can take months to save a ton of money for whatever i may need for the car, but only a few seconds to spend it....

  5. #5
    Senior Member TruBluScreamer's Avatar
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    Im a big fan of goosing the throttle when my girl walks behind the car it gets her attention but i have a feeling that if she walked behind your car she might drop a load in her shorts!!
    2003 True Blue GT
    PA Racing K Member
    MM Full Length Sub Frame Connectors
    H&R Drag Springs
    Mac Long Tube Headers & Mid Pipe (CatLess)
    Bassani Cat Backs
    Pro 5.0 Short Shifter
    03 Cobra Wheels w/ ET Street DR
    SCT XCal 2

  6. #6
    Senior Member santa_rosa_lt1's Avatar
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    yader bomb

    yager bomb

    i bathe in this s**T

    p.s. nice 67 man
    2003 svt Lightning
    chickenears cai

    bassani catback
    bassani catted mid
    LFP stage one W/ 4lb lower
    Fluidyne HE

    a little faster then stock.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    yager bomb? i know what it is, and i surely wouldnt take a bath in it hahah...but i duno what its suposed to mean on here lol, but anways thanks for the compliment
    67 mustang copue, 289 v8, C4 trans, 8" rear all built up nicely to make my car....go fast. just got it running, still in the long process of restoring, but its worth every second.

    Its funny how it can take months to save a ton of money for whatever i may need for the car, but only a few seconds to spend it....

  8. #8
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by santa_rosa_lt1 View Post
    yader bomb

    yager bomb

    i bathe in this s**T

    p.s. nice 67 man
    Yeah, I grunt when I get my swell on at the gym.

  9. #9
    Senior Member chewbaccajones's Avatar
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    Nice ride btw. Sounds really good.

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