i was pissed the one shot i really wanted was the johnny rockets one and i got chased out they said no tripods allowed to take pics at west gate per management
i was pissed the one shot i really wanted was the johnny rockets one and i got chased out they said no tripods allowed to take pics at west gate per management
I was gonna comment on the Johnny Rockets shot being the best then I saw your note. That sucks about being chased off but at least you got a good pic out of it.
wow!! sweet pics!! we played at the garage again last night too...only this time we did it with a certainly quick silver car....hehehe...
thanks guys shot the car diff then last time i did at the garage and came out better i think
I agree the Johnny Rockets shot looks good, too bad management didn't want to cooperate with you. The parking garage shots also turned out nice.
08 GT 500 white w/blue stripes
yeah, the security dude came up, but only to comment on how badass the cars were though. it was cool. and dan was easy on it, so it was not too loud. just wait for the pics though, oh man...badass....
here is the johnny rockets picture changed a little
Looks good man!