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Thread: Shelby GTs & BULLITT F/S No Mark Up!

  1. #11
    Senior Member CDW63's Avatar
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    That GT500 commercial does a good job of showing off the sound of the supercharger. The whine is very prounounced in the higher RPM's, extremely addictive.

    I bought my GT500 for $500 over MSRP here in AZ (Freedom Ford), I would have preferred to buy in the valley but couldn't find the same deal. But I would expect to see more MSRP deals showing up soon.
    08 GT 500 white w/blue stripes

  2. #12
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Personally I still prefer BELOW MSRP deals!

    On the other hand, I think its great to see in light of the fact that an east valley competitor to Berge likes to tack on ADM's.

    I wish this had been available when I was shopping for a Mustang Bullitt. Oh well I was fortunate to get a truly awesome deal from Pioneer Ford in Goodyear!
    2008 Bullitt, Highland Green Metallic, Dark Charcoal interior


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    * How do you modify an instant classic?

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    ....I bought my GT500 for $500 over MSRP here in AZ (Freedom Ford), I would have preferred to buy in the valley but couldn't find the same deal. But I would expect to see more MSRP deals showing up soon.

    Craig, is this Freedom Ford in Safford or another one I don't know about?

    I couldn't find any deals in Tucson on the GT500 so I went to California for mine. I paid MSRP for my '08 in Nov. '07. Imagine that, an MSRP deal in California? I would have never guessed but I did get one. And the dealer admin fee was only $50.


  4. #14
    Senior Member CDW63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    ....I bought my GT500 for $500 over MSRP here in AZ (Freedom Ford), I would have preferred to buy in the valley but couldn't find the same deal. But I would expect to see more MSRP deals showing up soon.

    Craig, is this Freedom Ford in Safford or another one I don't know about?

    I couldn't find any deals in Tucson on the GT500 so I went to California for mine. I paid MSRP for my '08 in Nov. '07. Imagine that, an MSRP deal in California? I would have never guessed but I did get one. And the dealer admin fee was only $50.

    Yep thats the dealership, its address is Thatcher, but Safford and Thatcher run together. It was a great experience, the owner told me he was supposed to get one more coupe fairly soon.

    MSRP in California is pretty good, which area of Cali? Dealership?

    08 GT 500 white w/blue stripes

  5. #15
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    I asked about the dealership because last November when I was looking for mine, I called Randy (owner). I've done business with him before. When I asked, "How much?". He replied, "Ahhhhh...... I gotta get $5k over. Gotta feed the family, ya know." It's good to know he dropped that a lot. Lucky you!

    With Click asking $20k over for his convertible and $25k over for his coupe, Randy's deal looked pretty good. Then I went searching the internet several times every day until I came across the MSRP deal one night. I called the dealership first thing the next morning to confirm availability and price. Once these were confirmed, I said, "Consider it sold." This was a Wednesday. I told the dealership that I could be there in 48 hours to which they said, "We cannot hold it for you that long..!"

    "What? I thought we had a deal."

    "Fax over a statement from your bank saying that you're good for the $$$ and we'll hold it for you."

    I did and they did. I asked them to e-mail me a pic of the car with a Sold sign in it. They did. My friend and I drove there Friday and bought it. It was located at Lithia Ford in Fresno, Ca...... It was quite the 24 hour adventure. Eleven hours to get there in a one-way rental car. Arrived at 5pm. Did the deal and drove off to the airport to return the rental. Got out of Fresno around 7:15pm. We decided to at least make it to LA. I tend to do my best driving at night and while my buddy was snoozing, I drove through LA, down the coastline to San Diego, then made it to El Centro before he woke up. We kept tag teaming the rest of the way and got home at 7am. What a night..!!

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  6. #16
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    I don't buy cars for sticker ever. Invoice + 1000 is the most I will ever give period.
    I got the 04 Cobra for invoice with a large rebate on top. I remember when the 03's came out and people were pay 5-10K over sticker.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  7. #17
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    I don't buy cars for sticker ever. Invoice + 1000 is the most I will ever give period....

    Not only do I agree with your philosophy, I don't buy new cars either. I always wait until they're at least two years old. Case in point: I bought my '03 Cobra in '05. It had a whopping 9,000 miles and I paid $26k. This '08 I just bought is the first new car I've purchased in 20 years. That's right, my last new car was an '89 Beretta..! In fact, I told myself that as soon as the '07 GT500 hits the used car market, I'm the first to buy one under $40k. I said that 18 months ago. I assumed it would be about this price today but I was wrong. I've never heard of any car holding original value like this one. I grew impatient with every day and finally, with the wife's consent, bought something at a price that goes against every grain -- a new car for MSRP. I've gotta say though that it's a ton more fun to drive than my '03 Cobra....


  8. #18
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Come Drive my 04. I bet you like it better than the GT-500. LOL
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  9. #19
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    I'll be in Phx on Feb 29. That should give you enough time to return your car to stock so I can make an apples-to-apples comparison.... Then after I install my 3.4 Whipple, I'll let you drive mine for another apples-to-apples....


  10. #20
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    3.4 might get you about 10 car lengths behind me in the 1/4 mile.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

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