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Thread: Speedworld Dec 22

  1. #21
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    so i wasn't the only one getting the boot! lol. sorry i did not get to ssy hi. i was packin it up and heading out when i saw you and 99cobra get there. i wanted to stay longer, but i was getting bored since i could not run anymore. baaad going too fast.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    maybe next time i'll get the boot....then again i'd just have to pull the bottle off the car

  3. #23
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    here ya go man. still a little time before the actual run, but you get the burn out and all!!

    YouTube - 99 camaro ss

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  4. #24
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by 93mustank View Post
    I got pushed off because of a bad battery connection. Also my solenoid went i had to push start it....

    Only got one run....they kicked me out do to bad traction lock..... guess i launch to sideways

    WHO kicked you out? Was your money refunded? What was the reasoning for you getting "kicked out"?

  6. #26
    Senior Member 93mustank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPM Group View Post
    WHO kicked you out? Was your money refunded? What was the reasoning for you getting "kicked out"?
    There lies the problems I am having....I first got the track at around 11:00 am ....Got through tech at 11:30..... Started switching my tires out which i am used to doing.....

    Tech guy comes up and notices i did not have open ended lug nuts in the front(after market weld draglites)....Says I will not be allowed to run because of this...(looked in the nhra rule book and found nothing on this) .....I asked if i could receive a refund and he told me I would not..... He said passing tech or failing was my problem.....

    I have been to the track about ten times in 2007 and have had no problems until now ....I wish they would have told me before...

    After talking to the guy for 30 min he finally is nice enough to allow me to run.....

    Then starts asking if i have after market axles ..... (i have stock) ....he says i will need to upgrade according to nhra car runs 12.5's and I have never heard of having to upgrade axles....

    I finally get to run one run and go 12.5 at 104 mph..... After the run they say i can not run anymore because the traction lock is out and the car launches too much sideways.......I watched the video and the car looks fine... it just has some twist do to the battery relocation and no subframe connectors.....

    I just wish I knew all the rules and regulations before I get to the track....It would help if those rules and regulations would not change....

    I am all for fallowing the rules....So if you could help me out I would love to get the car up to date so I can come out and run more than a single run....

    I frequent the track often....twice a month...

  7. #27
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    open ended studs arent required its just the amount of stud it catches. Then can make you pull a stud and check how much of the lug is catching and if its not the required length you can be disqualified. Never heard anything about needing aftermarket axles. 11.50s is where the bid stuff comes in transmission shields/bell housings(sfi approved), cages, drive shaft loop ( unless you are running slicks then it comes in higher), 5 pt harness, sfi aproved clutch, fire jacket, etc

  8. #28
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    1. You do not need open end lug nuts. The lugs must engage the threads at a length equal to the diameter of the stud. On a mustang that is 1/2". Open end is not a rule, but allows the tech guy to visually verify easier. Closed end would require the removal of the lugs to visually verify if the tech guy is concerned.

    2. After market axles and a retention device are required on a car running 10.99 or quicker or on any car with a locking differential. Your stock axles are fine

    3. If you run slicks or run 11.49 or quicker on radials you need a drive shaft loop.

    I suggest you get a rule book and take it to the track with you.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  9. #29
    Senior Member 93mustank's Avatar
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    The tech guy gave me a rule book.......I will bring it and highlight it

  10. #30
    Super Moderator 4Jenna's Avatar
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    Free rule book is was a 2007
    Last edited by 4Jenna; 01-04-08 at 03:33 PM.
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