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Thread: Cobra R for sale on eBay w/11 miles

  1. #11
    Senior Member wickedcobra's Avatar
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    That wing just ruins it for me......I'll stick with the Termi for less than a 1/3 of the price

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Cool car! Way too much $$$ though.

  3. #13
    Senior Member ITLRUN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chewbaccajones View Post
    I think he's a DB for letting it sit around like that. Invest in real estate, drive cars.

    Wonder what the reserve is.
    This COBRA R a 2000? If so, there were only 300 ever produced. That reserve, has to be in the six figures. I agree with investing in realestate, cars were made to drive and drive it like you stole it. #178 out of 300, w/5,600 miles and I'm disabled. But still let it rip, whenever I can, Mike D.

  4. #14
    Senior Member svtrichie's Avatar
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    Yes they are ment to be driven. My neighbor has one of these but isn't stock. It has a single turbo on it and I believe that he said it puts down around 600-700 hp and he drives is all the time.

  5. #15
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by svtrichie View Post
    Yes they are ment to be driven. My neighbor has one of these but isn't stock. It has a single turbo on it and I believe that he said it puts down around 600-700 hp and he drives is all the time.
    i have seen that car at a few shows, that thing is a beast! very sick lookin car.

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  6. #16
    Senior Member svtrichie's Avatar
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    Yes the car is a beast and he drives it and road races it. You should see his other car that he drives around in. It's a 96 corvette grandsport with a callaway bodykit and twin turbos but doesn't make as much power as the cobra. Both are very sweet cars.

  7. #17
    Senior Member ITLRUN's Avatar
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    Hey Richie; The part of the country, you live in and where I live are two different COASTS. I live in the north east part of the country, and I assume your from Arizona yes. If I wasn't in the condition I'm in today, and lived on the west coast, oh yeah I would drive the living hell out of this one. But I became disabled, back in 1999. Now after eleven back surgeries, I'm lucky to be driving at all. I had the last surgical procedure performed back in 05, they found 2 pedical screws resting right against the nerves. The doctors could not figure out why I was in so much pain, I couldn't have an M.R.I., I had too much hardware in my back, so they had to go back in and explore the area. That's when the doctors, found the problem, and now I'm in pain 24/7/365. Go to the photo gallery, then go to members gallery and click on I for ITLRUN, in there you'll see the last x-ray I had done in Boston at New England Baptist Hospital. That is a picture of my lower spine, I have no discs in my entire lower spine, including the sacrum. Those screws you see, are 3.25" in length and I still have nine left along with titanium cages in between the vertebrays. So if I could drive it every day, yeah I would drive it like I stole it, they were made to be driven and driven hard, Mike D.

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