I just wanted to get on here and here and give a big thanks to the AZFSC guys for not only holding an awesome event this Sat. but also helping me keep my Jenna's memory alive.

Not only did certain funds get donated to the JENNABEARS Foundation that day, they also presented me with this....and I had no clue! I just want everyone to know that these are not only my close friends but these guys are just flat out great guys, shows you what kind of events they are holding....AWESOME EVENTS!

Bill, Michelle, Trav, Pete, Jambo, and everyone else who had a part in this THNAKYOU from the bottom of my heart.....I can never repay you guys in any shape or form....you guys are true friends!!!!

*I will have a post very soon about the PSR crew also, they have reached out to JENNABEARS like no one else has...so much it would take me days to write it all. After the holidays I will fill everyone in....THANKYOU PSR, you guys have been a big part of Jenna's Foundation and I will never forget that.

All for you baby girl...Daddy loves you.

~Love is Pain~