2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
looking good man! i know how the camera thing goes, i got mine wet yesterday and have to dip my tire fund to get a new camera....
Sweet lookin ride. I gotta get some new pics of mine when I get home.
2006 Mustang GT Blk/Blk
5-speed Mods..I need more
Super Nice!!!
"The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"
Hey, thx fellas! Had a '01 or '02 line up next to me today @ a traffic light. He timed the light better and had 3/4 car on me. On his shift I overtook him but he kept up. Needless to say, as Xmas gift, I'm getting her a Comp cam Stage III and an aluminum driveshaft. The SC will have to wait 'til summer (new washer & dryer).