Jeff explain this. ..does the guy with the bone stock has to get over it if he loses to someone that has a few mods or like you said a valve cover? I lost (Copperstate) to a fairly bone stocker that should not have beaten me at any show. ..but I understand that a lot (probably most) mustang people respect the stockers, moreso than my car and I fully expected not to win anything. I got over it before I even enterted the show. . .I enterted for fun.

Point being the line has to be extended and not put down in cemement for stockers. Right?

Another question for all. Doesn't matter the year or class. . .lets say you get a 69 modefied. . .but there are only two. Is it okay to move them to the class before or after theirs to compete with other cars in their modified years? Assuming the trophies don't say the years and of course doing it before the show begins.