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Thread: Car Show Classes. . .?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    I agree with both of you. I think in my mind a modification is 1) power. . .and if not power then a combination of X amount of changes. 3-5 sound about right? Restoration people will argue. . .but there has to be a line.

    A V-6 vs. V8 should not warrant another class (unless the show can afford it then yes). . .but should a 1965 Shelby or a 1968 California Special really go against a rock stock 1966 Coupe??? Should their be a specialty class that includes ALL SHELBY's ALL YEARS and other specialty mustangs?

  2. #2
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    power mods normally can't even be seen though. take my cobra, when its out at the shows it look bone friggen stock. less you look under the car and take a gander at the suspension mods. i think a mod class should include stuff more like stereo and video stuff along with body mods and stuff of that nature. as there is a line, a person like myself would never harm the body on my car, nor will i spend the money on in car entertainment. and i think its none to fair to stick guys that base thier mods in a more practicle way vs a car the most times is extremely un practicle(otherwise know as a show car..).

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  3. #3
    Senior Member Ruckus46gt's Avatar
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    most car shows have a spot where your supposed to put the motor in the car there, but if most people do who knows. Also exhaust etc not really sure i'd consider that a mod. An intake as bad as it sounds i would consider as 1 of the mod. Guess if it changes the appearance it should be considered a mod, if it doesnt it shouldnt be

  4. #4
    Member 6Jeff6's Avatar
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    This is a really hard question. Some people go to great lengths to stay completely stock and get beat by someone that has some mods. In most cases it costs alot more to stay completely stock and they are punished by losing to people with mods(which are easier and cheapier to upkeep).

    But will you really get enough people to fill completely stock classes??? That I can't answer but I can guarantee people that are truely stock will go home unhappy if they lose to someone that has any mods(even a valve cover).

    I'm no pro but have been to many car shows and that's the biggest complaint I see.

    Good luck

    00 gt 2.2kb auto
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Jeff explain this. ..does the guy with the bone stock has to get over it if he loses to someone that has a few mods or like you said a valve cover? I lost (Copperstate) to a fairly bone stocker that should not have beaten me at any show. ..but I understand that a lot (probably most) mustang people respect the stockers, moreso than my car and I fully expected not to win anything. I got over it before I even enterted the show. . .I enterted for fun.

    Point being the line has to be extended and not put down in cemement for stockers. Right?

    Another question for all. Doesn't matter the year or class. . .lets say you get a 69 modefied. . .but there are only two. Is it okay to move them to the class before or after theirs to compete with other cars in their modified years? Assuming the trophies don't say the years and of course doing it before the show begins.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Your gonna find "Trophy Hounds" everywhere and yes its very nice to win an award that shows that people appreciate all your work. Personally It's hard for me to swallow voting for a car because of club affiliation but it does happen. We at CMC try very hard to give everyone a good fair chance by spliting up into basics groups Open/Closed.................. factory Stock/Modified and then into years 64 to 66 or start 64 to 68 69 to 73 Etc. then depending on how many in one class you can break it down even more. The last spring show we had so many S197 cars that we broke the class down into 4 groups then of course your Saleen, Roush ,Shelby etc.
    We gave people points on mods to see what class they shoud be in, if a car had more than 60 points then it should go modifed, like a super charger or turbo is 25 points, body kits is 25 points so folks can add up what they have on a car to let them make a good choice. The basci rules for judges where 3 things.. How clean is ist? How good was the mods done and how was the presentation, so even a highly modded car that was done poorly or very dirty would not win over a lighter modified car.
    Last edited by Jacostang; 11-13-07 at 08:28 PM.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacostang View Post
    Personally It's hard for me to swallow voting for a car because of club affiliation but it does happen.
    this is what kills me about peoples choice awards. its not done by what the car is, its done by who you know. this is why i grimace when i hear peoples choice. because lets face it, if i was lookin at joe blows mach, and then i saw darrells mach, even if they were identicle, its easy to say what will sway a vote.

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  8. #8
    Member 6Jeff6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown66 View Post
    Jeff explain this. ..does the guy with the bone stock has to get over it if he loses to someone that has a few mods or like you said a valve cover? I lost (Copperstate) to a fairly bone stocker that should not have beaten me at any show. ..but I understand that a lot (probably most) mustang people respect the stockers, moreso than my car and I fully expected not to win anything. I got over it before I even enterted the show. . .I enterted for fun.

    Point being the line has to be extended and not put down in cemement for stockers. Right?

    Another question for all. Doesn't matter the year or class. . .lets say you get a 69 modefied. . .but there are only two. Is it okay to move them to the class before or after theirs to compete with other cars in their modified years? Assuming the trophies don't say the years and of course doing it before the show begins.

    I'm just saying some people go to great lengths to stay stock then get punished by losing because their car isn't as shiny or blingy as the modified ones. People don't realize how hard it is to make cars #'s matching and all that.
    I was just giving you info from the car shows I have gone too. I've seen #'s matching ss chevelles and gt 350's lose to a modified 69 camaro. The people with the real stock cars tend to never come back and the word spreads and you'll end up with modded cars only. But enough stock ones may not exist so this could be all mute. The last show I was at they tried to adjust as the cars came(put you in a class but move you around depending on who shows) but it was all screwed up and everyone complained then.

    Basically I'm just rambling so all in all set a guidline and stick to it. You run it and ignore the whiners. You'll have some no matter what.

    Yes combining classes is all you can do when enough don't show but talking with the people that fall into those classes(that enough don't show) might help you bring more of that category in.

    Ahh hell have fun. That's what it's all about.

    00 gt 2.2kb auto
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Jeff hopefully you didn't read me wrong, I was sincerely asking what you meant and not making any judgements. What you wrote (the second time) is very helpful because it explained the first to me.

    JACO. . .thanks, that is very helpful.

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