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Thread: Tricked Ponies Car Show (Goodyear)

  1. #31
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    The new cats look good..

    Yes, you missed the silent auctions. I can understand how you didn't have time to see them. Everytime I saw you, you were running around attending something show related. There were some great deals in those auctions. Two Coyote suite tiks for $50...OMG. I wanted to bid on four items at the last minute but snoozed....Oh well, next year.

    What car did Barry have that won best of show..?

  2. #32
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    well, it was fun, though i will not be returning next year.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member hpmotzd's Avatar
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    Great show and even better turnout. I was really surprised at how many cars were parked down the street of people just coming to look. has there been an actual count of the number of entries or the amount raise for Ryans House yet? Anyway, congratulations Kenny, et al. for a job well done.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    HIKER "What car did Barry have that won best of show..?"

    Was that to me? I don't know Barry, does he own the Red Coupe? If it means anything to you both got 70pts (perfect scores). We had a tie breaker number at the end of the sheets which had the judges stand back and look at the car as a whole and give it a 0-100 number. He got an 80, you got a 75. . .so that is about as close as you can get. BTW they were instructed to be stricked on the overall number (no 100's were given)...though it is subjective the guy that judged you guys is a LONG time mustang owner, who owns a cougar now (building a stang) and didn't have a car in the show.

    AZ "well, it was fun, though i will not be returning next year."

    Should I ask?

    HP. ..I counted 74 entries.

  5. #35
    Senior Member HIKER's Avatar
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    I was curious what car won best of show and 64-67 modded. I thought it was the white 66' GT350 replica.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    The red coupe won the mod, the white one wasn't being judged because he had to leave early.

  7. #37
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown66 View Post
    I liked the show, though I wish I actually could have seen it (lol). Martin you did an awesome job, it wouldn't have been great without you. Our club members did a great job of judging. For us to win one trophy and just a couple plaques shows they did their jobs with little to no bias. Trust me...I didn't like losing to HIKER or the guy that won our class. . .but they both deserved 1st and 2nd!
    heres your answer, i find this statement false. as did many people that passed by as i was packin up to head home. but its all good, atleast my 25 bucks went to a good charity.

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  8. #38
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    heres your answer, i find this statement false. as did many people that passed by as i was packin up to head home. but its all good, atleast my 25 bucks went to a good charity.
    So I am in the dark on this. What was the problem?
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  9. #39
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    How well represented was the Copperstate Mustang Club? It conflicted with our Monthly meeting, but I know a few of us were there to represent the CMC. How much was raised for Ryans House? It is allways neat when you can have a good time hanging out with other Mustang owners, and help out a good cause.

    FYI, the CMC will be hosting a get together at Johnny Rockets, on the North side of Phoenix College Stadium Friday, Feb. 15, 6 PM. I am working out some details with the manager. Hope the guys who were at the Pioneer Ford Show can make it with their Trophys!

  10. #40
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    So I am in the dark on this. What was the problem?
    My suspicion is that AZSonicSnake feels that judging was somehow skewed. Given that I opted to not participate in the judging I cannot speak to this but my belief, and hope, is that the Wild West Mustang club members who judged the show did not show any bias in their choices.

    Personally, if I had my druthers, there would have been NO judging and all of the classes would have been "Peoples Choice". Would this eliminate concerns of impropriety? Highly doubtful! There will always be someone who believes that their car should have won...

    Oh and to AZSonicSnake, the Tricked Ponies Car Show was and is all about a great charity, Ryan House. Thats the only reason that Pioneer Ford hosts this show and will likely continue to host it in the future.
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