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Thread: Tricked Ponies Car Show (Goodyear)

  1. #51
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    BTW if I was you and thought I was in that class, I probably would have felt the same way you do. . .probably the way I felt against the viper...but I wouldn't have aired it in public, you should have just asked. Then if you didn't like my answer...hammer me in public or whatever would be fair.

  2. #52
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    wow, interesting. guess things changed from when i checked in. i guess the criteria was still rather unclear even after attending the meeting.

    btw- sorry, i normally keep things in, but this time i was kinda un willing too. i think there could use to be some work on the criteria of the classes. but thats just me. ;)

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  3. #53
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Like I said, I understand your feeling if you thought you were in one class not knowing you were in another.

    Two things need to be done for next clearly defined classes. That way people have a good idea going in. Remember we were working with a limited amount of trophies. I can't believe we had twice the number of convertibles than we expected, so we had to break that class up. I don't think people understand open/closed when they registered. Whatever happened to hardtop/convertible? lol Same thing with the mods. . .(broke the class up)

    Second, if someone told you a class at the show when you checked in they shouldn't have. The only ones that knew the classes were Martin, Me and another gentleman that is tight with Pioneer at about 11:30. You were assigned a number. . .not a class. . .if they told you otherwise, sorry...they shouldn't have.

    Next year, using your class as an example. . .there will be (IMO) 1994-2004 stock (MAYBE 3 mods, depending on number of rock stock), 1994-2004 mild mod (your class), 1994-2008 wild mod.

    Whether you agree or not I had two judges tell me upon looking at your car that you had at least six mods. Six was above our limit and unfortunitly bumped you up. was probably the most unfair ranking along with another 65 that got bumped up for the same reason of the show. But in our position we had to stick to our (5 mods) number and we did.

    I would ask you if you disagree with that number (on your car). . .I'd rather not get in a discussion of how many is on your car on here. . .lets go private and figure it out, or agree to disagree. But that was the criteria and hopefully you will agree that at least it was fair. . .or an honest mistake.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    BTW. . .I HATE participant voted car shows or "fans". That just turns into a popularity contest when you have your friends vote for each other (different classes). Plus get a couple that have nothing better to do than vote for themselves on 100 different voting sheets just sucks. lol

    If you can avoid members cheating for other members (I truly believe we did), I believe Copperstate to their credit avoided that as well at their show I was at...then you always got to have a judged show. IMO

  5. #55
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Maybe something to think about for next year, Dash Plates. This was the first car show I have done that didn't have them, T-shirts are cool but dash plates last forever and are a great record of all the shows you have done with your car. Just a suggestion.

  6. #56
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown66 View Post
    *In fact though Martin opted not to give a complete answer above, he will confirm(he's in Copperstate btw, not our club) that we went out as a group to see why he chose the last car that he did before the final call, just to confirm he wasn't slighting anyone. Right Martin? BTW in fairness, Martin might have just realized that it was AZ's class that we went back out to confirm third.
    Actually until you said this I didn't realize that his was the class that had the slight issue! I can most definitely confirm, however, that as soon as the judges identified the issue they went out and corrected it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown66 View Post
    BTW. . .I HATE participant voted car shows or "fans". That just turns into a popularity contest when you have your friends vote for each other (different classes). Plus get a couple that have nothing better to do than vote for themselves on 100 different voting sheets just sucks. lol

    If you can avoid members cheating for other members (I truly believe we did), I believe Copperstate to their credit avoided that as well at their show I was at...then you always got to have a judged show. IMO
    In this regard I have to disagree... In my experience its very possible to run a FAIR and honest "Peoples Choice" show. Is it possible for someone to show up with 50 of their friends to "stuff the ballot box"? Heck ya... but if all 50 of them entered their cars or purchased raffle tickets then Ryan's House still benefitted. One of the things I truly regret about car shows is that people get WAY THE HECK TOO focused around walking home with trophies. First and foremost the show is a benefit for Ryan House! Maybe I'm in the minority but thats the primary reason that I went to the show. I left that show on Sunday with a much bigger award than most did... I saw the smile on Ryan's face! In my mind thats what this is all about!
    Last edited by Martimus; 01-15-08 at 07:12 AM.
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  7. #57
    Senior Member hpmotzd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rev'n Kevin View Post
    Just wanted to stop in and tell you what a wonderful time I had @ the Car Show. It really was a great time. Good to see fellow CMC members skipping the monthly meeting to come out and support this very special charity event. I was surprised and honored to receive the Ryan's Choice Trophy.

    I really came to the show not expecting to win anything, just wanted to get out of the house and and hang out with my fellow Mustang owners.

    There will never be a trophy that will mean more to me than this one, as this one was given to me, not because of points by judges, but because one small child liked my car best of all.

    Hope to see all of you at a car show soon.
    Rev'n Kevin
    I think Kevin hit it dead on here and unfortunately, I think people tend to lose sight of whats really important. Its about supporting a charity and hanging with fellow Mustang owners. If you win a trophy, great, if not, who gives a rats ass.
    Im afraid that no matter how you set it up, who judges, or how you class the cars, someone will come away unhappy or feeling slighted. A lot of thought and input went into how to class the cars etc just since I joined WWM and I know the effort was made to make everyone happy.

    Overall i think it was a great day and Im sorry if AZsonic feels slighted or that its not worth coming out again next year. I think this event will continue to grow and as we move forward, the "bugs" will continue to be worked out.
    Congratulations to Rev'n Kevin and all the other winners and thanks to everyone who worked their asses off to make this a great day and incredible charity event for a great cause.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    You know ironically three people were screwed, slighted or whatever on first glance...all from our club. But they were all classed correctly. It was sad for them because they ran agains the wholey grail of being a STOCK or a MOD...the line was drawn at 5. If the count of mods was wrong...I apologized, you were screwed...but not on purpose. But if you have 6 you just need to be honest with yourselves. Most shows, have the number at 3. I personally think it should be at 10 if the changes are not huge.

    I was shown a list of mods from the Sunset Pamona show that had point values. If you had were a mod...roughly 5-6 mods. My car was over 250 points. It is very unfair to have my car go against Milo's who has probably 80. It was just unfair to have Tony go against the cars that won...but that is simply how the points broke.

  9. #59
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Okay some house keeping...
    1) Dash plaques. CRAP. I didn't know there weren't any in there. To be honest Martin and I were told there were dash plaques (they had them last yr) and that they were being handled. Our jobs were the trophies, placement of cars and trophies. Someone dropped the ball...I won't fingers cause I am betting it was a very honest mistake. But they were planned and the person assigned VERY qualified to do so...Martin and I didn't follow up for that reason.

    2) People's choice...I still don't like. :) I think most of us that have taken the time to build our cars want to be judged by people that know what to look for not because we have the coolest design painted on our car. Just my opinion.

    Lastly. . .we all say it and most of us say it with conviction ,and some of us mean it. But shows for those of us that do more than one show a year, do so for the trophy. I know...not very PC, but it's true.

    The show benefits a charity? Very Cool. There's a trophy? Even better. Is it all about the trophy? Course not. We could have had a show with no trophies and still get most everyone that we got because even above the trophy and the charity...we just like showing our cars...but if we have a shot at a trophy that's just icing on the cake.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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