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Thread: Tricked Ponies Car Show (Goodyear)

  1. #41
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    surely you saw my ending remark of "atleast the 25 bucks went to a good charity"

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  2. #42
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torchmach View Post
    How well represented was the Copperstate Mustang Club? It conflicted with our Monthly meeting, but I know a few of us were there to represent the CMC. How much was raised for Ryans House? It is allways neat when you can have a good time hanging out with other Mustang owners, and help out a good cause.
    I saw one or two CMC members wearing their name badges. Were there others? I'd guess so... Heck I'd wear my badge but since I never go to the monthly meetings, after three years of membership, I still don't have it!

    The last I heard the show raised approximately $7000 for Ryan House. Thats more than double than what the show raised last year! I'd say everyone who attended and contributed to the show deserves two thumbs up for supporting an awesome charity like Ryan House.
    2008 Bullitt, Highland Green Metallic, Dark Charcoal interior


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  3. #43
    Member Martimus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZSonicSnake View Post
    surely you saw my ending remark of "atleast the 25 bucks went to a good charity"
    I did! And believe me we sincerely appreciate your support!!

    This is only the second year of the show. In all honesty we don't have the experience and history that Copperstate has with their bi-annual car shows. In any event we are very willing to consider changes for next years show. If you have suggestions PLEASE feel no hesitation to make your suggestions known. I have no affiliation with Pioneer Ford. As such I cannot guarantee that the changes will be made but I'll do everything in my power to insure that they're considered.
    Last edited by Martimus; 01-14-08 at 08:07 PM.
    2008 Bullitt, Highland Green Metallic, Dark Charcoal interior


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  4. #44
    Senior Member Rev'n Kevin's Avatar
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    Just wanted to stop in and tell you what a wonderful time I had @ the Car Show. It really was a great time. Good to see fellow CMC members skipping the monthly meeting to come out and support this very special charity event. I was surprised and honored to receive the Ryan's Choice Trophy.

    I really came to the show not expecting to win anything, just wanted to get out of the house and and hang out with my fellow Mustang owners. It's kind of funny, because I was so busy visiting with everyone and having a good time, I didn't even hear them announce that the trophies were being awarded. Just about the time I realized why everyone was gathered together, I walked up in time to hear the winners in my class, the 94-04 Convertibles. I didn't even really remember my number when I heard them call C-7 for one of the awards. I was thinking to myself, I think my number is C-5, well missed by 2 and kind of chuckled. So when the Ryan's Choice Award came up they called for C-5, I looked at the guy next to me and said "I think that's my number" but I wasn't for sure, so I didn't step forward. When the announcer asked Ryan what did the car look like, I heard "the Batmobile", and I knew the only car close to being called that, was mine, because last year when I was modifying it, my friends and neighbors kept calling it the Batmobile.

    There will never be a trophy that will mean more to me than this one, as this one was given to me, not because of points by judges, but because one small child liked my car best of all.

    Hope to see all of you at a car show soon.
    Rev'n Kevin

  5. #45
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    I'm shocked he (AZ) thought that we didn't judge fairly. . .lol not. . .well since the dude challenged my statement, and evidently integrity (all you had to do was ask btw), I can tell you that you are 100% off base.

    Oh and btw how many of us haven't heard "you should have won" as we were packing up? lol

    Reality check.

    1) Close to half the judges were not in our club.

    2) The judge in your class is not NOT in our club, he only knows me and another judge that is not in our club that only knows me. Hell he still knows nobody but me in our club. He is an expert on all years/styles mustang, that is why I gave him the hardest class. He use to drag race for a living (in a mustang), which should have helped you btw. His judging (scores) were the lowest of all categories because he took it seriously, and he judged with a fine tooth comb. In his three winners. . .I agreed with the first two, although I didn't look closely at them as a judge would.

    BTW 2nd and 3rd were announced wrong (flipped), but I corrected it with both of them.. . .the final spot could have gone (in my eyes) between one of two cars. . .yours being one. As a matter of record I would have given it to the other car even though I love yours.

    *In fact though Martin opted not to give a complete answer above, he will confirm(he's in Copperstate btw, not our club) that we went out as a group to see why he chose the last car that he did before the final call, just to confirm he wasn't slighting anyone. Right Martin? BTW in fairness, Martin might have just realized that it was AZ's class that we went back out to confirm third.

    He (judge) made his decision...we understood his logic, and we honored it.

    3) In the interest of full disclosure...AZSONIC is (was?) hopefully still is lol, in our club, the ONLY club member in the class. Which really makes his statement curious? Someone explain that too me please.

    So lemme get this straight...our club didn't judge your class with integrity because our NON club member gave the three awards in that class to nobody in our club???

    4) Out of the 27 trophies presented our club members took home a 3rd for myself...I think the people in my class would agree that is fair (considering I won my class in the Copperstate and took the best paint trophy), a strong third '69 Boss 351 that could have won his class if not for a pristine Mach 1, and first place for 1994-2004 (tie breaker). I don't think second (as I can remember the cars) was close to his. . .but in looking at the scores just now it was an 85-80 tiebreaker.

    Look we have all been to shows we didn't win. . .I've won every show I have ever been in with my car (not my other cars), EXCEPT. . .some little High School show a month ago, because the band loved the viper they took their group picture with right before voting (lol), and THIS show. I've got a great car, and shouldn't have won this show (1st & 2nd deserved their positions). . .you;ve got a great car and IMO shouldn't have won this show because there were some amazing was by far the toughest class.

    Shit happens. . .don't question integrity without the facts and lets move forward.

  6. #46
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Kevin...that's awesome!

    BTW as soon as I saw your doors. . .I knew you won a little kids heart!


  7. #47
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    i can take part of that, but alas you are not 100% on base either, ray won the class. yeah, the redifre cobra parked next to me, last i checked he was in the club too. but its all good, i know my place, its at the track, still not quite sure why i keep tryin to be a damn show car.

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  8. #48
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Lets not loose sight that a car show is a way to being mustang enthusiasts together. Winning a trophy is just an added bonus and should not create issues between enthusiasts.
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  9. #49
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    very good point jeff. sorry to even have mentioned my displeasure. time to get back to the track, is it friday yet? i need to kill some tires off a little more.

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  10. #50
    Senior Member Blown66's Avatar
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    Ahhh Tony...Ray wasn't in your class.

    So you were the only member in your class, your 11 second car was in the Mod class. I am sorry you feel slighted...because I don't want anyone upset.

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