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Thread: Any idea why my car smells like gas?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Any idea why my car smells like gas?

    Hi everyone...I come with a question....

    My 89 GT has started to smell of gas, its not very stong, But it is noticeable on the inside and outside of the vehicle.

    It is usually after driving for a bit. (although today i came out from work and could smell it).

    I am fearing this could be a big problem, Anyone have any ideas what it could be, so i can try to figure it out and fix it?


  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    London,Ont. CANADA
    Too many tacos?
    But seriously,at that age your gas tank is probably starting to leak.Does it smell just after you've filled it up?They tend to start leaking (at least up here in the land of salt) at the split line.
    '89 LX Coupe

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred89lx View Post
    Too many tacos?
    But seriously,at that age your gas tank is probably starting to leak.Does it smell just after you've filled it up?They tend to start leaking (at least up here in the land of salt) at the split line.

    Yes! It does. Thats when it smells the worst... The other times i can smell it is randomly when driving, or right after i drove it (or, in todays case... before i even went to drive it).

    But theirs no leaks under the car where i park (i checked) where could it be going?

    Not to change the subject and ask another question...But Any idea what might cause me to lose oil frequently too? (I get the check oil light coming on about once a month, and have to refill it with oil....Is this normal?). I was told i have leaks underneath, from my oil.... But i have never seen it drip so i dont think that could be where its all going. If its burning oil, does that mean something major is wrong?

    I've owned the car for about 4 months, And i have been replacing stuff left and right (seriously, every time i fix something, something else dies.). The last repair was Monday, when i had the Fan clutch and water pump replaced... The same day i started smelling this gas smell more often then normal (proir to that i wasnt sure if it was my car, or other cars because it didnt happen often).

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Oh, and i KNEW a taco joke would come into play in this thread

  5. #5
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Could be leaking fumes around the top of the tank where the pump assembly goes in. Also check any vent lines on the tank. It has been a long time since I had my hands on a Fox body tank.

    As far as the oil. If you not leaking it your burning it. How many miles do you put on the car between adding oil? If it is a high mile motor you can plan to burn some oil.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  6. #6
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    Another spot to check is the grommet where the filler neck goes into the tank.If it's just seeping,you won't get a puddle on the ground,but you WILL smell it.Get under the car and have a look around.
    As far as using oil,if it 's not making puddles on the ground,you're burning it.Does your car smoke at startup?under hard acceleration?after letting off?
    '89 LX Coupe

  7. #7
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    Ok, i'll get under their and check the tank on my next day off... If i can find a good jack.

    As for the oil... I drive about 20 miles a day for work... And i need to refill the oil once every three weeks..about.

    My car says 89K miles... Its a 5 digit Odometer of course, so that COULD be 189K, But 89K sounds more likely since the car was sitting for a couple years(ex owner tore it down to build a race car, then changed his mind and put it back together and sold it)..... My 88 thunderbird has 158K.

    The car doesn't smoke at all.... Not that i have seen anyways.

    I actually dont refill TOO often...But it seems like you wouldnt need to refill it in the first place (hence why you get oil changes). But i don't know, as I havent been driving or working on cars for long at all, to know for sure...So maybe replacing the oil once every three weeks is normal?

  8. #8
    Senior Member Torchmach's Avatar
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    How many miles does the Car have ?? Fuel Injectors can leak too, this only happens when the motor is running, but the risk is a fire.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torchmach View Post
    How many miles does the Car have ?? Fuel Injectors can leak too, this only happens when the motor is running, but the risk is a fire.
    It has 89,000 on the dash...But its a 5 digit one, so I dont know if its 189K or 89K.... I Believe it is 89,000 though, because before i bought it the car was sitting for a while (through two different owners).

    Would i have to get a Carfax report to find out what the milage should be?

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    One of the most common things is the vapor recovery lines that lead from the tank back under the car to cannister. These plastic and rubber lines tend to fail in the desert heat alt and you get that gas smell. Smell is very bad after refill.
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