saleens look good, but i just don't think i would do that to a terminator. maybe a gt or something, but not a unique car such as the cobra.
saleens look good, but i just don't think i would do that to a terminator. maybe a gt or something, but not a unique car such as the cobra.
Hell to the no dude! WTF are you thinking?!?!
Noway....................leave it as is.
Have you been sniffing exhaust fumes? Bump your head maybe? NO WAY, Don't do it!
I would not do it, but I tend to leave the assthetics alone. I love sleepers, so I like things to "look" stock. Plus it is already a cool Cobra.
"It's my little deuce coupe, you don't know what I got."
It still has the 4.6 DOHC SC that makes great power. the bad @$$ T-56 that can handle the power. The ......IRS. The car will perform the same. But look like a saleen. I would never call it something its not.
What about the SRA Cobra's... they are not the sacred 03-04 cobra....
They made 735 of my car..... kinda rare... but they made 19k 03-04 cobras.... also my core suport has been replaced so my car is worth nothing.. cause some low life pos sold me a wrecked car....
so my car is nothing important.... Now does that changed anything?