This show was sponsered by the local radio station, KOOL/FM, oldies but goodies station and a mega church at 75th/101. There was over 800 cars/bikes registered and another 100+ cool cars showed up just to look. Probably a good 30+ classic Stangs.
This show was sponsered by the local radio station, KOOL/FM, oldies but goodies station and a mega church at 75th/101. There was over 800 cars/bikes registered and another 100+ cool cars showed up just to look. Probably a good 30+ classic Stangs.
Some nice rides there.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
Also, there were over 1000 cars there registered and more showed that didnt register. Two copperstate members won trophys, Myself and Mike. It was a very nice day. Except for the accident in front of the place.
I would have had more but the damn computer messed up and deleted some of them :(