he pulled me over for suspended tags, but let me go since I had proof of insurance and everything, he said he COULD have arrested me but decided not to since I was respectful
Is your car registered and you just didn't put the tags on or you aren't registered
2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T traded in.
'03 DBS Cobra .... Traded in, THANK GOD
'01 Ford Lightning.... Sold, sorely missed
No I am registered and everything, its just when last time I went without insurance for a while, they suspended my tags until I got insurance, but I didn't know I had to physically go down to show them proof of insurance so they will take that suspension off, same thing happened a couple months back when we were all at Tony's putting on my original magnaflows, right after I left I got pulled over for the same thing, but he let me go. I just gotta go down and show them my insurance card and they should take the suspension off
So you can afford Magnaflows, but not insurance???
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
I told you that was going to happen, eventually. lol And no, he could not have arrested you...
04 Cobra