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Thread: Wiring Question for Carb setup...

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007

    Wiring Question for Carb setup...

    Here are the intructions for a Fox Body Carb Conversion......
    Your car is divided into two harnesses; the EEC harness and the main or "chassis" harness. The EEC harness contains all of the computer related sensors, actuators, and such. It also contains some of the wiring for the air bag system. The chassis harness contains everything else; headlights, fuel pump wiring, instrument cluster, etc., etc. In order for the EEC to receive power from the battery, control fuel pump, and the airbag to work properly, the two harnesses must mesh together at some point. There are 4 of these points:

    --Two connectors near the computer (passenger-side kick panel). One is green, one is gray. Both are 8-pin connectors I believe. One is rectangular and the other is round.

    --Two connectors near the driver's side hood hinge and right above the master cylinder. One is gray, one is black. They are both round, 8-pin connectors. One of the connectors does not utilize all 8 pins.

    The first thing to do is the part that's the most fun! LOL Disconnect the battery (of course!). Remove the computer and the EEC Power relay that sits directly above the computer. On the 60-pin connector that plugs into the computer, remove the black plastic "cap" which holds the wire bundle at a 90 degree angle to the connector. Unplug the two 8-pin connectors mentioned above, unscrew the bare wire ground and you should be able to pull the harness up into the engine compartment. The oval-shaped grommet will come with the harness, so use a screwdriver to pop it out of the hole.

    Once you've got everything out, it's time to start re-wiring. All the re-wiring will take place at the two connectors by the brake booster that you unhooked earlier. This is how you will tap into the chassis harness and get things like the fuel pump working again. Best way to accomplish this is to tap into the wires just below the connectors. I use those little plastic splice great. Be sure to tape up the open ends of the connectors to prevent water from getting in there.

    If you've got a Chiltons with the wiring diagrams in it, I will include the reference numbers for each wire if you'd like to look them up.

    On the Gray Harness:

    ---Wire #16 (red/light green - 16 Ga) to the ignition trigger/turn-on lead. On my MSD it's the thinner red wire.

    ---Wire #11 (Dark Green/Yellow - 20 Ga) to the negative side of coil or the "tach out" port on an MSD. This is the line to your stock tach.

    On the Black Harness:

    ----GROUND #97 (tan/light green - 18ga) to a suitable chassis ground. This creates the ground for the primary side of the fuel pump relay.

    ---Wire #39 (red/white 20ga) to the temp sender.

    ---Wire #31 (white/red 20ga) to the oil pressure sender.

    ---Wire #361 (red 16ga) to #16 (the wire you ran to the ignition turn-on above). This creates the positive voltage supply for the primary side of the fuel pump relay.

    My question is how would I do it on my car???? I know the wiring is different and Im assuming the colors of the wires aren't the same either.....

  2. #2
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    OK FOX Body Specialist in here!
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BurnTire View Post
    OK FOX Body Specialist in here!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    This is were I copied and pasted my info from.....

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Any one?

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    ttt .

  7. #7
    Senior Member silver03cobra's Avatar
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    I have only started to read... but it is very early in the morn. let me read after work.... should have an answer then

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2007
    Ok Ill make it easy....I decided to run a swith for the fuel pump.....All I need to know is were to hook up the negative side of the coil so my stock rpm gauge works....

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