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Thread: Wondering

  1. #1
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    Having an issue with my 96 non PI 4.6 T-Bird. Changed out the spark plugs after it was having some low RPM power issues. I took off the plug wires and cleaned them and put the Dilectric grease on. Put in Bosch Platinums which were already at correct gap. After all was said and done, I had a huge miss. Re-did everything and the miss was still there. Just changed out my plug wires and the miss is still going. Any suggestions? Just thinking what could I have screwed up in that plug change that would cause that miss?
    Need a code reader next and going to go from there. Thinking coil pack right now, if not than possibly one of the injectors. Sure hope I'm diagnosing it correctly as a miss. Like I said, any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Senior Member ASUSMC's Avatar
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    Coil Pack. I had one on my 94 go out back when I had it. My 95 hasn't moved in a while so it's probably in need of some tlc
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  3. #3
    Member 6Jeff6's Avatar
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    Unplug them all and replug them in. Is it possible you mixed up the order of them?? Make sure everything is plugged in. Another words walkthrough the whole process again and you might find something.
    Or you can wait until night and spray a mist of water on them and you might find one that is not plugged in properly. But really it sounds like one is either on the wrong one or not plugged in properly.

    Hope this helps

    00 gt 2.2kb auto
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  4. #4
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6Jeff6 View Post
    Unplug them all and replug them in. Is it possible you mixed up the order of them?? Make sure everything is plugged in. Another words walkthrough the whole process again and you might find something.
    Or you can wait until night and spray a mist of water on them and you might find one that is not plugged in properly. But really it sounds like one is either on the wrong one or not plugged in properly.

    Hope this helps

    No, I checked and rechecked. When I did the swap, I changed them out one at a time to prevent that mix up from happening. They are in the correct order. I also reseated them about 3 times. Still no worky.

  5. #5
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    Guess I will try the coil packs next.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Indy's Avatar
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    Unplug one injectors at a time when the cars is running. The car should stumble when you unplug the injector, but when you unplug the cylinder that is miss firing you shouldn't notice much difference in the way it runs. Once you know which cylinder has the miss, pull the plug and swap it to a different cylinder if the miss fallows the plug you have a bad plug replace it with a new one. If the miss stay on the same cylinder as before regardless of the plug being changed you might have a bad wire, coil, or injector. Hope this helps.

    PM me if you need any further help and I'll give ya my phone number.

  7. #7
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    Thats a good idea. I will try it if the new coils don't solve it. Pretty much would be the injector if that is the case. Thanks

  8. #8
    Senior Member vicious781's Avatar
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    Fixed it! Was the Coil pack. Now I need to put the rest of the car back together.

  9. #9
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious781 View Post
    Fixed it! Was the Coil pack. Now I need to put the rest of the car back together.

    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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