Quote Originally Posted by kbldoc View Post
you're absolutley correct, my painter did have the arstist attitude and spent alot of time on prep.

Thank You for the feedback, still work in progress, wanted it to look different and stay simple

Stripes or no Stripes
It looks good right now, without stripes, the first 3-4 times I saw S-197 Mustangs with stripes I thought how cool, how retro! Everybody has stripes now, stand out from the herd without them. You can always change your mind and stripe the Car later!

What are you doing, or have done with the Exhaust? Saleen put the Edelbrock axleback on the Parnell Jones Edition Cars. Very unique sound! Just on the boardline of too loud, but stands apart from the others. Part of the PJ sound is due to different camshafts, and a longer stroke, but the Edlebrock axleback would set you apart from the others.