Let's use this thread to post our pictures from the Dyno Day!
(More pics to come in the following posts, apparently you can only do 20 at a time per post including smilies (wtf)....
Here's all of the pictures I took--I don't want to put the effort into captioning all of them :)
Also I have no ideas how to resize the videos, so I'm not going to post the few I took--since they are roughly 30 megs each
A big thanks to Dan and the staff at PSR, they did a great job of getting cars on/off and tested!
On to the pics! (My car is the Grey S197)
Freshly washed S197--night before the Dyno.
Inside of PSR's shop--lotta HP in here:
The Dynojet Dyno:
A "few" shots of the group gathering in the parking lot, waiting to turn the rollers: