Wow, this looks safe, think I should mount it lol! I have to file a claim, what a pain in the ass. I'm so pissed
Wow, this looks safe, think I should mount it lol! I have to file a claim, what a pain in the ass. I'm so pissed
Where did you order them from???
2012 Race Red GT w/ a 5 Liter and a 6 speed
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T traded in.
'03 DBS Cobra .... Traded in, THANK GOD
'01 Ford Lightning.... Sold, sorely missed
In my experience, the shipper has always been the one that had to file the claim since they are the one that paid for the service. Now if you had it billed to your own UPS account, that's a different stroy. Bottom line is whoever paid for the service is the person they will refund the insurance money to.
I paid for the service using my company's UPS account number. Shitty thing is, they didn't ask me if I wanted to insure them. We insure everything, so I didnt even think to ask. Bottom line, I do a shit pot full of money with UPS and if they dont get me my money I'l tell them to pound sand and fire up the ol' fed-ex account. For all you business owners out there, it's always wise to have both working (or stealing) from you. If UPS decides to take another strike, you always use your fed-ex account to ship out your shit. This is in no way bashing D'Agostino racing, I just posted pics of the carnage that UPS left with me. Since I used my account number, I have to deal with it. I also used my Visa, so i can get them involved too if UPS wants to be dicks about ti.
You will get your money. UPS is usually good with claims and credit card companies are good to the customers when disputes arise.
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5
why didnt you just buy them localy
Hey now, how else you expect them to change the tires on the Big Brown Truck in under 14 seconds? Dale doesn't have all day to spend in the pits!