We are teaming up with Chris' Neuro ICU Nurse Liz Encinas (our wonderful sponsor for this site, be sure to thank her at and starting a new foundation called JENNABEARS. You won't believe how many hurt and sick children are in the hospital with no support (yes, no parents) and no teddybear by their side to hug. That is our bring JENNABEARS to these children and hope that it comforts them a little during a hard time.
When Jenna was in the hospital, I asked a friend to rush home and bring back Jenna's bear. She loved that bear. Teddy was with her every moment. And we truly believe that every child deserves a bear to hold when they don't feel so good. So let's make this happen! If you would like to donate a bear or funds to help buy bears, let us know. We hope to one day bring JENNABEARS to sick children all around the world.
You may e-mail us at
We love you and miss you so much sweet Jenna Lynne!
I am keeping your memory alive baby girl!!!
The Eades Family