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Thread: Back On The Road Again

  1. #1
    Senior Member Casey39er's Avatar
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    Back On The Road Again

    Well, just as my recent posted shout, my car is back on the road. I have wanted to post about the situation, but I have been so frickin busy I don't know where the hell May went.

    Anyway, I after researching on the internet about a torque converter (TC) for a while, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered one. It was a multi disk TC built by Precision Industries (PI) with a 3000 stall and built strong for blown engines.

    I scheduled with the guys down at Performance Solutions Racing (PSR) for the install. They had the TC and an opted for oversize trans cooler installed and running in no time. During the testing phase it was found that the TC would not hold lock-up when the engine was making it's power, even when being forced by computer to do so, it would blow through it. (Not Good)

    After going around and around with PI they said to pull the TC out and ship it back to them so they could cut it open and see what the problem may be. Of course, I was just a little pissed but what can you do. Now what I had to do, was to get PSR to rearrange their schedule to pull the TC out and store my car while this was taking place. Of course they came through and had the TC out and on it's way back to PI.

    Week later, talked to PI they could not find anything wrong with their TC they suggested some compatibility issues with trans pressures or some mumbo jumbo like that. Anyway, they offered me a full refund including the shipping costs. I took it. Already received check. +1 for them.

    Now what to do? After all that I did not want to put the stock converter back in. The guys at PSR looked around for some other options and came up with having one built for it by Hughes Performance. Local company with a good reputation for TC's and it was good for me because it was just down the street and they could get it built within the week.

    PSR got the TC from Hughes and got it all put back together in a couple of days. This time I opted to have the Performance Automatics deep sump aluminum pan with a dipstick to also be added with final install. Makes the trans fluid fill & check a lil easier (you had to be there).

    After I give this new TC some time for brake-in and then get it checked out on the DYNO I will be ready to see how much my 1/4 times will improve. Can't wait..

    Again, a shout out to all the guys down at PSR for seeing me through this. Your expertise and willingness to accommodate me on short notice into your busy schedule is why I will keep coming back.

    __________________________________________________ ____________

    2005 Redfire GT Premium W/GT 500 Body Kit
    Whipple IC Super Charger W/Custom Tune By: PSR

  2. #2
    Senior Member Indy's Avatar
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    Glad to help. It was a long and bumpy road but its all gonna be worth it in the end.

    Now lets see what it will do. I'll be ready to head to the track when ever you wanna go.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Jacostang's Avatar
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    Wow, thats alot, glad they gave all your money back including the S/H thats wild and looks like PSR has come through again!!!
    "The choices we make, dictates the lives we lead"

  4. #4
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Time to get that 11 second time slip.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
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  5. #5
    Senior Member AZSonicSnake's Avatar
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    wow, i was wondering how that tc thing was going. sucks to have that kind of trouble, but glad to hear you got it figured out.

    now lets both head out and get our 11 second slips!!!

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Casey39er's Avatar
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    That is what I am hoping for, to get down into the 11's. I keep getting pushed down in the time slip database by all of you guys that are getting quicker.

    2005 Redfire GT Premium W/GT 500 Body Kit
    Whipple IC Super Charger W/Custom Tune By: PSR

  7. #7
    Senior Member Indy's Avatar
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    PHX AZ
    I'm in the same boat as you guys, but I have my work cut out for me to hit the 11's. You two are already knocking on the door to the 11's, good luck with your hunt.

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