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Thread: battery cut-off

  1. #1
    Senior Member silver03cobra's Avatar
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    Exclamation battery cut-off

    So NHRA says the cut off must shut off the car when the switch is off. How do you do this? I tried to just run off the + side but when the car is running the car will not shut off, if you turn the switch off. Help!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    go to for the rules and how they want it done..
    The alternator red feed wire must be included in the shut off loop to kill the engine too as I recall.

    07 Hoss

    Quote Originally Posted by vtecthis349pony View Post
    So NHRA says the cut off must shut off the car when the switch is off. How do you do this? I tried to just run off the + side but when the car is running the car will not shut off, if you turn the switch off. Help!

  3. #3
    Administrator BurnTire's Avatar
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    Leave the battery in the front. Problem Solved.
    2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
    Burning Corn
    9.97 - 135.5

  4. #4
    Senior Member silver03cobra's Avatar
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    OK thanks HOSS! thats how you do it.... Jeff me and jr found a great spot to mount the battery cut off. no cutting!

  5. #5
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    An alternative method is to cut into the ignition instead of the power from the alternator output. Installing a relay in the coil feed line that is controlled by the cut off switch will accomplish the same thing, kill the motor.
    The biggest reason for doing it this way is that this circuit is a low power one as opposed to the high power/amperage of the alternator output. It is much easier to control. It requires only one small wire run to the engine compartment to operate.
    The down side is that you are adding a additional component to the already complicated ignition system.
    It works and I have been using this system for several years without a poroblem.

    I should add that this is done in conjunction with the battery cut off switch and uses a 4 pole switch instead of a normal 2 pole battery switch. Cole Hersey makes them.
    '03 Redfire Coupe 6 spd 10.54@133.5
    Whipple tuned by HBH, BilletFlow stuff (and Doug didn't even ask me to post that), Raptor Shift Light, Solid Axle w/3.73, etc, etc, etc...

  6. #6
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    The Fuse Box on the Driver Side will kill the entire car. Not the Red Wire, but he Gray Wire.

    The 4 tracks ive been too never even tested my kill switch on the Mach.

  7. #7
    Senior Member silver03cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P Machy View Post
    The Fuse Box on the Driver Side will kill the entire car. Not the Red Wire, but he Gray Wire.

    The 4 tracks ive been too never even tested my kill switch on the Mach.
    So we can turn the gray wire to the cut off

  8. #8
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtecthis349pony View Post
    So we can turn the gray wire to the cut off I recall (2004), we pulled just the red wire from the fuse box and the car did NOT die...the next wire was the Gray one and that killed the car completely once it was detached from the box.

    What Kill switch are you using? I used a two pronge kill switch.

  9. #9
    Senior Member silver03cobra's Avatar
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    thats what we got!
    can you send some pic's and explain the wiring.... where doing it right now.....(2:50 pm) 4/20/07

  10. #10
    Senior Member P Machy's Avatar
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    Fudge!!! for real?

    Kinda scared of the has been sitting for over a year.

    What do you need in details?

    This thread was done back in 04...

    carefull on how you connect the 2 pronge kill switch. It was not so obvious to us as to why the car would not die when flicking the switch off. (install began after we tested the fuse box on the driver side).

    hopefully i can catch enough daylight to show you the switch from under the bumper...give me like 15 minutes from this post.

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