That's pretty drastic. Maybe you'll have a change of heart. It's in the blood, and there is no vaccine. Hang in there, I'm sure whatever it is, it will pass.
Good Luck!!
That's pretty drastic. Maybe you'll have a change of heart. It's in the blood, and there is no vaccine. Hang in there, I'm sure whatever it is, it will pass.
Good Luck!!
1996 Cobra Pearl White
Balanced blueprinted forged internals
Stage 1 heads, Vortec SQC2 12 lbs boost, MSD, Ford ceramic headers, Bassini X, FlowMaster StageII, T45, upgraded internals, MM Panhard, Torque, Tokiko, MM subs, Auto Cross 4 pnt, 5 pnt harness. 490rwhp
She is probably looking to buy a cobra.
I put a card on your window Morgan. LOL
2004 Cobra, Whipple ,TH-400
Burning Corn
9.97 - 135.5