LM-1+LMA-3 dual bank AFR setup (diagram)
Waiting on shortened StainlessWorks Hi-Flo Turbo 3" straight thru mufflers and some 3" 180* and "J" bends to fab up 3" over the axle exhaust so the only other issue left for me to finish before heading to the track was how I was going to datalog this year without a laptop. The only electronic devices that you are allowed by NHRA are pure dataloggers, no laptops, no flashers with logging capability because they can access the PCM. The last year I raced the Cobra I datalogged with my laptop, but going to be by the book this year, laptop for test and tune and the LM-1 will record Sundays. It has 6 channels and uses one for the WB O2 sensor it connects to, This year I bought a LC-1 standalone WB O2 and interface wire plus an LMA-3 sensor input device that plugs into the LM-1 and lets me input the other 5 channels it will save with a push of the button.
For now I will use 4 of them, giving me 5 channels total with the original Left Bank AFR + RPM + Right Bank AFR + Boost + G Force (acceleration). Not sure what I am going to save on the last channel: IAT2 or Speed or Duty Cycle, not sure, but for now L/R AFR with RPM and Boost should tell me quite a bit about how the car is running and the G-Force will tell me how I am hooking.
I was going to build an center air duct delete for dual AFR gauges, one for each bank but decided to try it at first without gauges, just with the data logs for now. The LM-1 displays one channel of AFR and will be between the seats so can be watched while tuning for closed loop drivability, that probably will be enough. During a pass I want hit the record button on the LM-1 and then forget about it. I need to concentrate on the shift light, down the track and over at the lane next to me, not at gauges, but who knows I can add a couple of the Innovate XD-16 serial gauges with out even having to rewiring anything so that might be an option in the future.

The connections of two analogs outs for each WB O2, one from each into the LM-1 for logging without a laptop and one analog for left and right bank AFR wired into the SCT Raptor datalogger will allow me to add dual channels of AFR onto the graph of the dozen or so critical engine PIDS for the best possible datalogging, but that will require the laptop to ride along. Well the wiring was just complicated enough for me to lay it all out ahead of time to save time having to pull shrink wrapped bundles apart, not that I have ever had to do that before! ;)
One cool thing we did is mount a zero degree level (with the 28" track slicks) plate under the passenger seat to mount the LMA-3 so it can read acceleration properly as well as being centrally located for wiring things into it, everything else including the Raptor will be velcro'd out of site under the passenger seat to keep things as neat as possible ( there will have to be a few wires!)
More pictures of the final install next week, hopefully at the same time I can upload pics of over-the-axle 3" exhaust with my under-the-axle roll control.
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